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A List Of Emotions To Existentially Contemplate. What Is It?

3 posts in this topic

The current context that we see emotions from is, a context that appears that emotions are "Caused" by circumstances. But a deeper look at the domain of emotions may give a different perspective after investigation. It may be the case that we in fact create our emotions. But just not conscious of it.

You can contemplate the purpose of emotions, With such questions as " why does this emotion exist & for what purpose is it generated?"

You can contemplate the "distinct" components of each emotion. Such as "What needs to take place in order for this emotion to come about?" What are the building blocks that make up this emotion? 

For example the 4 components of fear, that are outlined in the book of not knowing. In order for fear to exist or be created. What are they? contemplate!


1. The possibility of a future. ( its always about something that could happen in the future, whether next week, or the next 5 seconds )

2. A resistance, or the not wanting it to happen ( I don't wana be hurt! )

3. The conceived possibility of it happening, conceptual in nature. ( tiger gona eat me??!! )

4. Physiological Effect, ( That tension & charge in the body) fwi this is what we normally recognise. And all we recognise generally speaking.

Why does fear exist? Is it not a manipulation to move you in a certain direction? To get you to avoid? If this did not exist would we survive very long?  Contemplate!


Remember this is not about philosophy or sharing of opinion, rather it is a "inquiry" into the existence of the "thing" it is very important to make this kind of distinction. Do you really know what emotions are? You may think you do because you can recognise them in your experience. 

But it may be the case that we " don't know" like we really don't know! And that gives us the "space" to look into the matter personally. Great insights are only possible from this place.

Happy contemplations!

P.S you may want to download or print of a list like this for you to contemplate when ever you have a spare 5 mins, on the train, on the toilet or whatever. You won't get much from only causally pondering these once. I see to much on this forum, that people are only understanding things on a "intellectual level" so that means its just "hear say" and not a living truth for you, a direct experience! That can only come from serious contemplations! Dedicated! Disciplined! 

I see to much intellectual debating and self serving discussion on here. 

" Those that don't know speak all the time, those that do know keep quite "


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