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Wes Thoughts

We Are The Universe!

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Whoa! Having a mini insight/ mind blown realization that I want to share!

I know that I literally am made of the particles of the universe. That means everything: my brain, body, objects, awareness, consciousness, everything. So I am the universe and I was made by the universe (myself)!!! We are the thing that created us!!! That is so simple and obvious but I never let that sink in OMFG! 

That means that everything we are, see and experience was ultimately, however it was done, created by the very thing we are made of! Mind blown! This has never really occurred to me!

I try to go meta on how the universe was made but I still can't grasp that, but that is ok for now.

Am I on the right path here with this thinking? @Leo Gura

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@Wes Thoughts The problem is that it sounds like thinking, not actual direct consciousness. Be very careful with that. The more you intellectualize, the harder enlightenment will become for you.

Every concept, every belief you have about enlightenment becomes an obstacle, because it isn't it. You have to really appreciate that and take it seriously.

Rivet your attention on the present moment, the NOW. Rivet your attention on what is ACTUAL. Any chain of thinking which takes place across time, is delusion.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Yeah I wasn't even really thinking about this at the time I was actually watching one of Bentinho Massaro's videos and it suddenly popped in my head as some kind of deep obvious realization and I couldn't really get it out until I started to think about it and intellectualize it to make sense of it. It was more of a realization of how simple and stupid everything is but yet I am not sure what I was getting a sense of. It felt like I could almost see how it is ourselves creating everything somehow. I don't know but it is giving me hope that there might be something to this stuff. I can't wait to do some contemplating and inquiry on LSD this weekend. I hope it blows my mind wide open. LOL

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11 minutes ago, Wes Thoughts said:

I hope it blows my mind wide open.

Oh it will

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Surrender your life to Truth and have faith. Explore the one who is having the insights, explore the impermanence of everything. 

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