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Wes Thoughts

What Is True Awareness?

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What is awareness if it is not a construct of the mind?

Is awareness a property of absolute nothing?

Is awareness a law of this universe?

Is awareness something that just is, outside of everything and nothing?


Edited by Wes Thoughts

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Really contemplate these questions and you'll find out mate!

But first:

- What is "awareness"?

- What is "mind"?

- What is "absolute noting"?



Edited by Vitamine Water

The art is to look without looking 

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@Wes Thoughts If you knew, you'd already be enlightened and wouldn't be here.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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11 hours ago, Wes Thoughts said:

Is awareness something that just is, outside of everything and nothing?

It's the substance of everything, in reality there is no boundaries between anything.
It's all the same consciousness/awareness/whatever.

There is no difference between a piece of paper, a bottle of water and your hand, you are just blind to it.
Even saying that you're blind to it is not quite true, because you are seeing it right now, you're just not paying attention.


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin I am beginning to understand what awareness is from the higher consciousness definition of what it is. I don't have direct awareness of it myself (or i would be enlightened, right). The question I then ponder is does everything have awareness? Is there awareness in all the objects that make up our universe? Why does it seem to be so strong only in this human body/mind?

11 hours ago, Shin said:

It's the substance of everything, in reality there is no boundaries between anything.
It's all the same consciousness/awareness/whatever.


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