
Simple Enlightenment

6 posts in this topic

A couple days ago, during meditation, I had a few insights. First I realized out of the blue that I still believed that « I » had to move and « I » had to take decisions for them to happen. Then, in the state of clarity and relative freedom that resulted from this, I sat down and automatically wrote a bit. I thought I would share it with you as my first post.

Here goes :

Enlightnenment is the simplest thing there is. So simple and obvious you overlook it. « Overlook » can lead to misunderstanding though : as it implies that the ego can « find it » somehow by thinking harder. The mind can simply not ceise that simple truth, so it looks everywhere else it can.

What happens is all there is. The ego, (which is part of what is happening), tends to look for something else, and thus create an alternative reality. The ego is hence caught in a self-created illusion.

Although reality is simple, the complexities of the ego have to be uprooted in its own fields of complexities first, before it calms down, and simple can be embraced. Hence the spiritual teachings.

Without the complexities of the ego, there would be no teaching, because otherwise everyone would just live and embody « reality » without questioning it.

The manifestations are the dreamed activities of Awareness, but that is all there is. Reality is a dream, dream is reality.

When the mind quiets down, reality can be perceived as it is, and the true nature of just being this dreamed reality can be embodied.

Why is Oneness realized and embodied by enlightened beings only ?

There is Awareness, and there is its activity. While animals only dwell in activitiy, and people of the two vehicles (seekers of the truth that rely heavily on intelect) try to negate « activity » in order to reach « perfect awareness », only enlightened beings understand that there is no difference between awareness and its activity, it is all one.

Hence, both awareness and activity are embodied in the body, or equivalent to that, both awareness and activity are « lived » in pure awareness. Both are true at the same time, which is an apparent paradox, when considered through the « activity » lense.

The ego resists. That is what it does to preserve its limited and illusory existence. What can be resisted ? From a dual point of view : The body (the « material » world, the activity) and Awareness, God.

If you look closely at anyone, there is clearly an unbalance that veils reality : in some cases both are resisted, in others one is mostly accepted while the other is rejected : as in the fight between atheist and rational scientists, and believers that deny « this » reality in favor of another.

If it is non-duality we are talking about, what else can there be other than « this » reality ?

Although its nature is nothingness, a dream in its essence (hence absolutely relative) that is still all there is. Albeit, there is much more to this Oneness that can be perceived and embodied ; on a paradoxical single point of multitude infinity.


N.B : A good part of what I wrote at that time is actually a rearrangement of various teachings that I read about in the last couple years, that I merely put in my own words, using the momentum gained from meditation.

Nevertheless, it made me look back on Shakyamuni’s teaching of the Middle Way (of both existence and non-existence), after he ceased starving his body in order to « reach » Nirvana, and on the paradox of the Tao depicted in the Tao Te Ching (the Tao as both manifestations, and timeless and spaceless essence), with a new light to it.

What came out of this is a renewed enthusiasm towards living a simple life, « core training » and my life purpose.

How do you guys relate to that ? If you do ! ;)

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Sounds like you're making good gainz. Keep at it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Yeah, I can't really disagree with anything in your post.

That's the simplest way of formulating it: (full) enlightenment is the lack of resistance to what is.

Edited by Haumea

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