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What Do You Eat? [help!]

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I'm recently in another country for two months. As I left home I have to survive on my own. The problem is that I have no idea whatsoever about cooking. I eat what I can find in a supermarket and try to spend as less money as possible on food. My meal literally consists of cereals with milk, pate, baloney, apples and occasionally some sweets. So, how/what can I eat better on a tight budget without having to cook? And with what I find in the supermarket. Maybe I can cook something in the pan though.

Thanks in advance!

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i'm learning to cook slowly. there's no way other than taking the risk.

unborn Truth

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Lettuce, cucumber pieces, tomato, avocado slices, pumpkin seeds ( or any of your favorite nuts or seeds), carrot sticks

You can add a banana if you wish or any other fruit.


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