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What Do You Guys Think About This?

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Here's a video of Jordan Peterson explaining his daily schedule:


I admire with this man alot and this piece of dialogue is almost completely contrary to the philosophy of "doing much less with more mindfulness" which is a practice entertaineda fair bit on this forum. Thought it might be an interesting topic of discussion.

Do you think that he dismisses the opposite paradigm intentionally?

Edited by gleb

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@gleb how is this contrary to "doing much less with mindfulness"? it looks similar to the concept of "The One Thing." he was so very disciplined to do his thing consistently for many years. wow

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Wow! This guy has super discipline. What a true inspiration.

I'm not sure if I have the devotion to work on a business 14 hours a day right now, but I guess I could get to that level.

Thanks for sharing.

I write about scientific-based self-help, habits, productivity, creativity and ancient wisdom over at


"Lions don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep" - The Internet

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