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How To Change My Doubt?

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I already so far have figured, that I need to better identify it. 


but I'm not sure what to do with it at that point - how to tackle it, overcome it, change it, or dismantly it... 


any advice... 

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This post is really vague. What kind of doubt are you talking about? Could you expand on what you mean? 


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y'know, doubt. a feeling of uncertainty. or a lack of conviction, or a lack of confidence. expecting a failed outcome, or inadequate knowledge. 


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@alyra eckhart tolle calls it the "background noise" and explains very well why the solution for it is the practice of mindfulness in his book the power of now.

there are certain ambients in which you can train to be present and remove that background noise.

the great master thich nhat hanh has several teachings on how to practice mindfulness on the daily basis.

i also recommend solitary zazen sessions, groupal zazen sessions (zazenkai) and zen retreats (sesshin).

good luck with the practice!

unborn Truth

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Don't try to change your doubt because you will just get into an 'internal war'.

Instead, become aware of it and ask yourself: "How is this doubt making me feel?"

"Is it making me feel good or bad?" "Is it helping me or hurting me?"

"How is me thinking that I will fail helping me in anyway attain the life I desire?"

Nothing stands still. Everything in life either helps you or it hurts. There is no middle ground.

As it's a doubt, then it is obviously making you feel bad and is not helping you in ANY way.

Why would you want to hold onto something that dis-empowers you? It would be insanity wouldn't it?

 The truth is you don't but your insane ego does.

Your ego gains strength and renews itself through you doubting things. As I'm sure you already know, the egos job is to keep you where you are in life. You growing scares the living hell out of it!

"The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain". 

The secret to success is the removal of doubt. 

When I talk about removal of the doubt, you're not trying to fix, change or escape from it. You are merely shining a light on it and seeing that it holds no benefit to your life. The more light you shine on your doubts, the less chance your ego can keep you in the darkness.

Also be okay with the doubt being there, don't try to escape from it because you will be investing in it. Whatever you fight, you strengthen, whatever you resist persists. 

When you no longer wish the negativity to be gone, you will transcend it. It will burn up in your state of allowance.

I trust this will add some value here. If you would like me to clarify things some more, just leave a reply or send a message.

Peace :)

Edited by Lawrence

I write about scientific-based self-help, habits, productivity, creativity and ancient wisdom over at


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Meditation dissolves doubt

Edited by pluto


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