
10 Reasons Why Privacy Matters

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I feel like sharing this with my parents who couldn't be more clueless, and annoying.

1.) They're really mean to me for no reason.

2.) They lack respect for me because of my age.

3.) They have bad intentions with other people's social reputations.

4.) They think they're cool when they're the exact opposite.

5.) GOOD Therapists don't trust them.

6.) They're passive-aggressive, especially in regard to anger, and have illegally recorded my voice multiple times.

7.) They're unhealthy humans overall.

8.) They suck with big decisions.

9.) They're never changing

10.) They're impatient.

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@CuteCornDog Im confused, explain more what you mean by privacy. Do your mum walk into your room without knocking? Hated that too btw when I was living with her.


Edited by Spiral

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@CuteCornDog  Are you telling this in regards to life purpose? Because if you are, you're probably better off not caring about how your parents treat and just focus on pursuing your life's goals through daily practice.

This problem will ultimately seem pointless in the long run.

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@CuteCornDog Don't focus to much on your parents (negative) behavior, it will only hold you back. You can't control them and they won't allow either. My experience with close minded parents is that they will be stuck in the same spot as they always did and they like to keep you there too. Stay true to your values, that will give you more stability in life than their behavior.  

You can share it with them, but you probably know how they would react. To me it helped a lot to move out, I live alone to focus on my study and personal development. If living with them is a very negative experience then I recommend it, if that's not possible try to figure out on how to get more privacy (because I don't know anything better). 

On 8/27/2017 at 5:59 PM, CuteCornDog said:

I feel like sharing this with my parents who couldn't be more clueless, and annoying.

1.) They're really mean to me for no reason.

2.) They lack respect for me because of my age.

1. They have a reason, they probably judge you, because of something they hate about themselves and they see that aspect in you too.

2. I know the feeling, when they were young, they probably weren't respected themselves and they have the limiting belief that younger people don't deserve respect because of their experience. You can break this pattern for yourself.

Edited by Marinus


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there isn't 10 reasons but i can tell there's one of them really important , that is : you can done everything you want whatever you want whenever you want .
as mates says focus on yourself /work work 

if parents try to destroy you or they have negative effect on your goals -its simple just get fuck out the damn house ,make your own ,find work , pay your bills that will help you in your personal dev studies also in you career at all

good luck bro 

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