
Editing An Old Old Journal

1 post in this topic

Hi. I got into journal writing years ago, feelings opinions, inspirations, insight etc.  But for a long time it was an anger confusion and hate journal now that i look back at man of those terrible days.  Naturally the style is very difficult to follow as it was just raw thoughts pouring out on page.  Not that i find myself finally able to step back and read some of it, i find it many times rambling and fragmented musings etc.  Is there a way to work with something like this? It's thousands of pages of content and i'm sure there must be some value beyond it having just been cathartic.  I came across an NLP technique recently where one takes some challenging time and imagines as a movie in reverse to dissociate the emotion or vice verse for positive experiences.   I suppose a journal would make a good starting place to remember.

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