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Three Waves Of Volunteers- Dolores Cannon

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Reincarnation has been the closest to a belief that I hold about our existence here on Earth, when I was a child I always thought about it. Not as much now, but today, I've come across Dolores Cannon and her work. She was a hypnotherapist and in her sessions she just couldn't ignore all the patients talking about past lives and she compiled all the info, wrote lots of books. 

In one of her books she proposed the idea of volunteer souls. After Hiroshima, these souls  (free of karma) volunteered to come to Earth for the first time in three waves.

The first wave is the baby boom generation, born after the war. They were kind of lost here, so although they have jobs and raise a family, they feel they don't belong. They get depression and sometimes commit suicide.

The second wave, born somewhere in the 80s (she says it's difficult to draw a line) were a bit luckier. Their job is to only be, and raise the energy and frequency. She says these people heighten the spirits when they go into a place by just being in there, but they feel so uncomfortable that they prefer to stay at home, work from home etc. if they find a similar soul they get married, but probably  won't have children.

The third one is the children of today, mostly geniuses although some are misunderstood and diagnosed with ADHD etc. She said these children have different and better DNAs, and are probably the saviour of the Earth.

Now I hope you will keep an open mind and tell me what you think. When I listened to her I thought about Leo being in the second wave, and also myself. Especially because as much as I hate to be in a room full of people, I am always told I raise people's spirits. I'm also sceptical of course. Want to hear your ideas about this. Anyone having a similar experience?

A small talk by Cannon, longer ones can also be found on YouTube: 



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it's interesting but i don't think we're volunteers. i don't think we chose to help humanity in some other plan of existence. i think we choose it everyday as time goes on. i think we're the balancing result of complex "equations" that Life itself follows towards the expansion of consciousness.

too many "i think"s and "i don't think"s. i'm babbling a lot of beliefs.

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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@ajasatya thanks for sharing your thoughts. I think we should struggle a lot before reaching somewhere. You are right about making a decision every moment. 

(Loosely related, but I've got to share as I've been thinking about it a lot lately. There is this scene in Eyes Wide Shut, when the main character understands everything and when he goes to talk to his friend about it, the friend talks him out of it when he exactly knew he was telling the truth. I sometimes feel like this, that I find something worth considering, then all the other distractions come in the way and I deviate from it and forget about it.)

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4 minutes ago, Pelin said:

(Loosely related, but I've got to share as I've been thinking about it a lot lately. There is this scene in Eyes Wide Shut, when the main character understands everything and when he goes to talk to his friend about it, the friend talks him out of it when he exactly knew he was telling the truth. I sometimes feel like this, that I find something worth considering, then all the other distractions come in the way and I deviate from it and forget about it.)

i'm writing a book full of practical exercises that one can perform throughout regular days to achieve mental/emotional mastery. right after finishing the introductory chapter, when i was about to start writing the actual content of the book, a heavy rain of negative thoughts about the book started to fall. i waited for about 5 minutes and then the rain stopped so i could continue writing. i was able to see very clearly how those who are identified with thoughts would have probably given up at that moment.

unborn Truth

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She talks about starseeds. Extraterrestrials in human form. I know that because I have immersed myself in this topic a few years back.

We are all hybrids between different extraterrestrial species that were part of the hybridization program but starseeds are new souls that were not trapped in this old game, old paradigm, fear matrix for thousands of years. Because of that, a  lot of starseeds are alienated from society and feel like this is not their home. They want to go back because they still feel their cosmic connection with their cosmic family. They know they are not from this planet.

I am not going to write a lot about this topic because I wanted to make a separate topic about this.

This requires extensive research and radical openmindedness. This is advanced spirituality.

However I'm going to post a few videos and articles about this topic as an intro. is.htm

search on Google and YouTube: starseeds, starseeds childs, starseed waves, starseed characteristics, starseed souls, indigos, rainbow children....

Those two Pictures below are from a starseed from arcturus - (I have Learned a lot from him, but he deleted most of his videos I have watched a few years back.) He was 14 and 15 when he made those videos, and he was talking about spiritual topics that were extremely advanced compared to most spiritual gurus.

This is an old interview of him when he was 16.








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@AleksM thanks. I'll definitely check them out. When I listened to Cannon I thought she meant indigo and rainbow children too, but those words are way overused and I feel they've lost their meanings and connotations. Starseed though is a very new concept for me. I will definitely look further.

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