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Best Teas And Supplements When Fasting?

8 posts in this topic

Hi guys,

I starting doing intermittent fasting and would like to know what sort of teas or supplements would be best. Last times I only had water with a pich of sea salt.

Some believe that if you have tea and supplements you are breaking your fasting..others don't..

Which are the ultimate nutritional needs while fasting?

Thanks! :)

Edited by Raquel

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Hello babboon:) You can eat nuts like walnuts , Indian nut and drink lots of water  during fasting. It will also help in boosting energy. You can go with natural green tea.

Hope this could help you.

Edited by MarshaMoreno

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Chlorella is one of the best supplement to rid the body of toxins and pesticides and will help you detox even better, I'd definitely add 2-3 grams of that, maybe even 5 on your fasting day. Sun Chlorella from Kyoto, Japan produces one of the highest quality on the planet.  They sell 1500 tablet packages for affordable prices on Amazon. It also adds essential nutrients such as B12, Iron, Vitamin D, Zinc and Vitamin B6. 

As per teas, Macha Green Tea is great to keep your mood up throughout this time. 

You will be breaking your fast if you put physical food that needs enzymes and stomach juices to process, supplements are quite easily digestible and best taken first thing in the morning. 

I usually take 1-2 green vegetable juices, cold pressed at home,  to ensure intake of nutrients. This is optional, some say it is best with, some say without. You want to make sure you are not deficient if you are going to fast over prolonged periods of time. Also when juicing, go for the water, non starchy type  (kale, celery, cucumber, ginger, parsley, pepper, )


Edited by Michael569

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Nettle tea is excellent for fasting as it is filled with minerals and iron :)

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Dandelion is another excellent choice. Good call on the Nettle :)


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