Juan Cruz Giusto

Emotions After Enlightenment

1 post in this topic

Hey guys! I've been reading Ken Wilber's personal diary and stumbled upon a letter he wrote to a friend when he discovered he was going to die. It's so beautiful it puts tears in my eyes...

"The more that Emptiness saturates my being, the more my life takes on a strange double-entry type of awareness. On the one hand, everything that happens - every singke thing, from the very best to the very worst - is the equal radiance of the Divine.

The other side of this Emptiness, is that, in addition to the constant radiance of this moment, all the little moments are all the more themselves, somehow. Sadness is even sadder; happiness is happier. I laugh louder and cry harder. Precisely because it is all the purest Emptiness, each relative phenomenon is allowed to be itself even more intensely, because it no longer contends with the Divine, but simply express it. I will rage against the dying of that light until I can rage no longer, and my vice is ragged with futile screams against the insult of Samsara; which is the same as Nirvana."

Just... beautiful

My YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/2PSLrNb


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