
Urge - Urgency - Emergency - The Path To Self

42 posts in this topic

@Ayla your thinking would be more appropriate to more advanced world. In the world we born, most of human learn to appreciate money and power and are affected by fear. For 99% of human there is an urge to make lots of money. At some point it becomes an urgency to multiply money and eventually it will be an emergency that all these money can't bring you enough power to do 1 thing or another. 

If you take random 1000 people and offer them 1 million dollars or self-actualization, I'll be surprised if even 1 of them will choose second.

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On ‎2‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 4:50 AM, Ayla said:

I think that every human being is born with this urge to go back to Self. It is very possible that the "starting point" is influenced by Karma and continues on the path within those rules. This is just a hypothesis (a limitation that is). 

This urge is manifested in our daily unconscious actions, through the frantic run after outer "pleasures". Many people start and stop there, preparing for the next womb to carry them further into their individual journey. For others, this urge is a conscious one, always in the back of their mind, forever KNOWING that they're something else, that they miss "home", that "their soul is older" than their physical age, and so they begin to actively search - again - externally, for answers. 

When the urge has gained a certain momentum and a "critical mass" has been attained, the urge becomes an urgency. Everything in such a human being begins to evolve around this search, and life becomes a bit unstable: old equilibrium is being shaken from the structure up. Old wounds reemerge in order to be healed. Fears and attachments are being amplified to that it can be seen through them. The Mind here is fully alert into tricking the person back into the darkness. Study of different teachings/schools/programs are flourishing here. Many people get so scared and so uncomfortable here, that they go right back to sleep, or remain forever entangled into the intellectual knowing and searching.

For some others, the urgency becomes an emergency. All else has lost its value. Nothing is left standing. Self is becoming a magnet. A purifying fire that burns everything that you are not. This is the stage where suffering is SEEN and felt most acutely, but it has lost the grip it once had on the being. Lost the hopelessness and helplessness behind it. It is seen as that illusion that is and always was. This is when the person dissolves into being and is exclusively searching for itself, in itself.

Where are YOU on this path? 

This is exactly where I am. Nothing satisfies. All I want is enlightenment. It's a squalid place to be. But you made me realize something in your post. My mind keeps creating struggles to keep me from waking up. Then it creates pleasant fantasies of all sorts of medicate me against the bleakness of the struggles. It's all a big unnecessary back and forth distraction to keep me from acceptance and stillness. It's sort of like the scene in the movie "The Labyrinth" where Sarah is getting close to Goblin castle and all the talking heads are telling her "You're going the wrong way!" "Turn back now or there will be sudden death!" "Beware!" just to get her off track. Only I'm believing that those talking heads are me and share my goal of becoming enlightened. I'm onto you Mr. Mind. ;) 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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