
Urge - Urgency - Emergency - The Path To Self

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@Water I had my first spiritual doubt about the existence of reality when I was dawdling around in a park 4 years ago, and I have been driven to pursue the answers ever since. 

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12 minutes ago, Ayla said:

I sometimes joke about it saying that, wherever it is, a mosquito always bites you in the place that is most painful to scratch :D 

lets not talk about that xD

12 minutes ago, Ayla said:

What I find, is that discomfort, no matter how insignificant it might seem, makes you shift into a new paradigm and search for ways to alleviate it.

"Depression in many cases is just a message from your subconscious mind telling you that life will have no meaning unless you get your subconscious mind what it wants. A message telling you that there is a certain thing that is bothering your subconscious mind and unless you get it back it won’t let you enjoy all of the other life activities even if they were joyful."

There's probably billions of people that feel that discomfort and yearn to know the truth but it goes against everything they've learned. Sad:/

When things go wrong in your perspective, remember it's not about you ?

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What also comes to mind is that PAIN, mostly seen as "bad" is actually the best form of illusion happening to someone... and ends up being the best thing that ever for that person. 

Now believe me, when I was in that sauce... if you would have told me this, I would easily have killed you :D (or tried to) LOL 



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I agree. In my case I did not start meditating to solve any problems. Everything was actually great in my life. I started meditating because I had always known there was something deeper inside me (us) and I wanted to discover what it was. I guess I started with the right question. Who am I ?

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@Sigma Hey dude, glad you mentioned that. I'm extremely interested to know what thoughts were going on in your head when you were walking around in the park. I think its really important for all of us to reflect on what triggered us.

When things go wrong in your perspective, remember it's not about you ?

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1 minute ago, Water said:

"Depression in many cases is just a message from your subconscious mind telling you that life will have no meaning unless you get your subconscious mind what it wants. A message telling you that there is a certain thing that is bothering your subconscious mind and unless you get it back it won’t let you enjoy all of the other life activities even if they were joyful."


I used to think that was true, but... now I know it is all an illusion, a game, some form of play of consciousness. Realizing who you are, is the most direct path to just drop all those notions... they are not worth the attention of YOU :) 



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In my case the story began many years ago when I was twelve years old. It was a beautiful afternoon, the birds were singing loud and a light breeze was touching my face. I was walking down a walkway near the beach. For some reason I felt different that afternoon. A deep peace took over and I felt very alive. I was totally aware of everything that was going on around me and time seemed to slow down. Everything stood still. And then out of nowhere it suddenly happened. 

I turned around and my perception deepened even further. I looked at the trees, then I slowly turned and looked at the ocean then at the mountains and finally at the sky and suddenly out of nowhere a deep knowing invaded my entire being and a phrase I had never heard before came into my mind “We are one”. Somehow I knew that I was one with everything around me. At the same time the deepest feeling of love I had experienced filled my being. The feeling was so powerful, that I just stood there with tears in my eyes completely immersed in the present moment contemplating the beauty of everything around me.

This deep knowing and feeling of love only lasted a few minutes but I remained with a feeling of peace and excitement during several weeks and I never forgot that wonderful experience.

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@Water My mind was just wandering and I bumped into a thought, a spooky possibility which I then started comtemplating about and felt the immensity of. But let me be clear, I don't consider myself a genius or anything to have had that insight. I just consider myself lucky to have that experience. I don't think I know how the hell it came to me anyway. Pure luck.

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9 minutes ago, Ayla said:

I used to think that was true, but... now I know it is all an illusion, a game, some form of play of consciousness. Realizing who you are, is the most direct path to just drop all those notions... they are not worth the attention of YOU :) 

I agree with you but what about the people that have no idea what your talking about. I think depression is a major catalysts. The subconscious or body telling you it doesn't like the situation you're currently in. What's insane is you're average person trying to remedy this with prescription pills, drugs, and other bad habits that only fight the symptoms. 

When things go wrong in your perspective, remember it's not about you ?

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8 minutes ago, werlight said:

In my case the story began many years ago when I was twelve years old. It was a beautiful afternoon, the birds were singing loud and a light breeze was touching my face. I was walking down a walkway near the beach. For some reason I felt different that afternoon. A deep peace took over and I felt very alive. I was totally aware of everything that was going on around me and time seemed to slow down. Everything stood still. And then out of nowhere it suddenly happened. 

I turned around and my perception deepened even further. I looked at the trees, then I slowly turned and looked at the ocean then at the mountains and finally at the sky and suddenly out of nowhere a deep knowing invaded my entire being and a phrase I had never heard before came into my mind “We are one”. Somehow I knew that I was one with everything around me. At the same time the deepest feeling of love I had experienced filled my being. The feeling was so powerful, that I just stood there with tears in my eyes completely immersed in the present moment contemplating the beauty of everything around me.

This deep knowing and feeling of love only lasted a few minutes but I remained with a feeling of peace and excitement during several weeks and I never forgot that wonderful experience.


I've felt that before. Best cry I've ever had. Thank you for sharing.

When things go wrong in your perspective, remember it's not about you ?

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11 minutes ago, Water said:

I agree with you but what about the people that have no idea what your talking about. I think depression is a major catalysts. The subconscious or body telling you it doesn't like the situation you're currently in. What's insane is you're average person trying to remedy this with prescription pills, drugs, and other bad habits that only fight the symptoms. 

Of course, no doubt about that, but Ego has such a sneaky way of keeping you stuck in the search for the "depth of the subconscious"... People get lost for years and years into that ... Keeping clearing, keeping searching, to neverr arive anywhere in the end. Don't get me wrong, I agree it is a very important sign. Where I'm being less guided towards, is the current societal paths to "get over" depression. And yes, I am a trained psychologyst, And was a long time guinea pig of it myself :D

it should all start with :" you have a depression" instead of " you are depressed". Depressed is NOT who you are....at all ! 




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35 minutes ago, Water said:


I've felt that before. Best cry I've ever had. Thank you for sharing.

I agree.. ?☀️

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2 hours ago, Ayla said:


I personally find less and less to talk about lately.. words anyway, have less and less value in what still needs to be expressed here.

I think words are the best means of communicating our thoughts and feelings... right after drumming (-;

Read it all, tried it all, can't remember any of it.

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3 minutes ago, Jan Odvarko said:

I think words are the best means of communicating our thoughts and feelings... right after drumming (-;

That is EXACTLY why last week I have bought a Vibedrum !! :D



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I agree music is amazing ! I love it. sometimes a much better way to express feelings and emotions and even ideas ! ?

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24 minutes ago, Ayla said:

That is EXACTLY why last week I have bought a Vibedrum !! :D

Sheeeit I've been saving up for a hang drum. You HAVE to post a video of you playing!

When things go wrong in your perspective, remember it's not about you ?

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@Water deal! Might take me a while....and migh have to lock up neighbours first :D

hangdrum is s******tly expensive :D

ps: don't you just love life?



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7 minutes ago, Ayla said:

and migh have to lock up neighbours first :D

If that's the case I retract my previous statement :P


8 minutes ago, Ayla said:

ps: don't you just love life?

Honestly, this past year I've found the simplest things give me immense gratitude to be alive. 

When things go wrong in your perspective, remember it's not about you ?

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2 minutes ago, Water said:


Honestly, this past year I've found the simplest things give me immense gratitude to be alive. 

This just inspired me to start a new topic in self-actualization sub-forum about gratitude....:)




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11 minutes ago, Ayla said:

This just inspired me to start a new topic in self-actualization sub-forum about gratitude....:)

Sweeeet, I've got high hopes for this forum. Its off to an amazing start.

When things go wrong in your perspective, remember it's not about you ?

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