
Urge - Urgency - Emergency - The Path To Self

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I think that every human being is born with this urge to go back to Self. It is very possible that the "starting point" is influenced by Karma and continues on the path within those rules. This is just a hypothesis (a limitation that is). 

This urge is manifested in our daily unconscious actions, through the frantic run after outer "pleasures". Many people start and stop there, preparing for the next womb to carry them further into their individual journey. For others, this urge is a conscious one, always in the back of their mind, forever KNOWING that they're something else, that they miss "home", that "their soul is older" than their physical age, and so they begin to actively search - again - externally, for answers. 

When the urge has gained a certain momentum and a "critical mass" has been attained, the urge becomes an urgency. Everything in such a human being begins to evolve around this search, and life becomes a bit unstable: old equilibrium is being shaken from the structure up. Old wounds reemerge in order to be healed. Fears and attachments are being amplified to that it can be seen through them. The Mind here is fully alert into tricking the person back into the darkness. Study of different teachings/schools/programs are flourishing here. Many people get so scared and so uncomfortable here, that they go right back to sleep, or remain forever entangled into the intellectual knowing and searching.

For some others, the urgency becomes an emergency. All else has lost its value. Nothing is left standing. Self is becoming a magnet. A purifying fire that burns everything that you are not. This is the stage where suffering is SEEN and felt most acutely, but it has lost the grip it once had on the being. Lost the hopelessness and helplessness behind it. It is seen as that illusion that is and always was. This is when the person dissolves into being and is exclusively searching for itself, in itself.

Where are YOU on this path? 



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Where are YOU on this path? 

Right at the start. But I am aware and awake and have been becoming so for some time. However Leo's videos and this forum are focusing my mind more than ever, as before totally unguided, randomly meandering thought processes.

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3 hours ago, Ayla said:

I think that every human being is born with this urge to go back to Self. It is very possible that the "starting point" is influenced by Karma and continues on the path within those rules. This is just a hypothesis (a limitation that is). 

This urge is manifested in our daily unconscious actions, through the frantic run after outer "pleasures". Many people start and stop there, preparing for the next womb to carry them further into their individual journey. For others, this urge is a conscious one, always in the back of their mind, forever KNOWING that they're something else, that they miss "home", that "their soul is older" than their physical age, and so they begin to actively search - again - externally, for answers. 

When the urge has gained a certain momentum and a "critical mass" has been attained, the urge becomes an urgency. Everything in such a human being begins to evolve around this search, and life becomes a bit unstable: old equilibrium is being shaken from the structure up. Old wounds reemerge in order to be healed. Fears and attachments are being amplified to that it can be seen through them. The Mind here is fully alert into tricking the person back into the darkness. Study of different teachings/schools/programs are flourishing here. Many people get so scared and so uncomfortable here, that they go right back to sleep, or remain forever entangled into the intellectual knowing and searching.

For some others, the urgency becomes an emergency. All else has lost its value. Nothing is left standing. Self is becoming a magnet. A purifying fire that burns everything that you are not. This is the stage where suffering is SEEN and felt most acutely, but it has lost the grip it once had on the being. Lost the hopelessness and helplessness behind it. It is seen as that illusion that is and always was. This is when the person dissolves into being and is exclusively searching for itself, in itself.

Where are YOU on this path? 

Hi Ayla.. Yes. This urge exists in everyone. It is an urge to find the truth. It is a search for completeness. It is an urge to remember what we decided to forget but unconsciously already know. It is an urge to fulfill the promise we made ourselves: to remember the beauty that we ARE, to remember where we came from and in doing so return the beautiful gift of love we were given.

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The urge will end when you discover the truth. This is what happens..

Everything seems alive, full of magic and absolutely beautiful. Your joy for life is so big that you just cant stop smiling. The present moment becomes so sweet that you are no longer concerned about the future. Fear and sadness disappear, and are replaced with compassion, joy and light. A light of love and compassion turns on somewhere inside your head and in my heart and from the moment you wake up until the moment you go to bed you remain in a continuous state of grace. Being and interacting with people becomes absolutely amazing and your body, and in particular your head will seem to radiate what feels like an energy of pure light

You realize that everything, from the biggest star to the smallest particle of dust is a gift of love to us and you become aware of the absolute beauty and perfection of everything around you.

You realize that paradise had always been in front of you. What you see outside is simply a reflection of what you have inside. This is why the only place we can find paradise is inside yourself.

You realize that all the beauty, love and joy you will ever need is already inside you so you stop searching for any of these things. You feel complete. There is nothing left to desire so all your desires slowly disappear. The only desire you will have left is a deep desire to be present, a desire to enjoy the amazing beauty of everything around you.

You fall in love with yourself and you fall in love with life. You fall in love with what IS.

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@werlight , as beautiful as this sounds, it is all coming from Mind...they are all concepts meant to entertain duality. The fact that it sounds so refreshing and flowery, has no relation with the truth that we never made any promise, there's no remembering of anything, no returning anywhere, no love given. These are all illusions the mind throws at you to keep you in the doing, searching and thriving and as far away possible from just being what and who you already really are.





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19 minutes ago, werlight said:

You realize that all the beauty, love and joy you will ever need is already inside you so you stop searching for any of these things

All those things... are not inside or outside of you. THEY ARE YOU! You ARE THEM! 

As for the bliss you are describing, you might call it like that, or better yet call it nothing at all. Sounds more true to me like that :) 



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5 hours ago, Ayla said:

I think that every human being is born with this urge to go back to Self. It is very possible that the "starting point" is influenced by Karma and continues on the path within those rules. This is just a hypothesis (a limitation that is). 

This urge is manifested in our daily unconscious actions, through the frantic run after outer "pleasures". Many people start and stop there, preparing for the next womb to carry them further into their individual journey. For others, this urge is a conscious one, always in the back of their mind, forever KNOWING that they're something else, that they miss "home", that "their soul is older" than their physical age, and so they begin to actively search - again - externally, for answers. 

When the urge has gained a certain momentum and a "critical mass" has been attained, the urge becomes an urgency. Everything in such a human being begins to evolve around this search, and life becomes a bit unstable: old equilibrium is being shaken from the structure up. Old wounds reemerge in order to be healed. Fears and attachments are being amplified to that it can be seen through them. The Mind here is fully alert into tricking the person back into the darkness. Study of different teachings/schools/programs are flourishing here. Many people get so scared and so uncomfortable here, that they go right back to sleep, or remain forever entangled into the intellectual knowing and searching.

For some others, the urgency becomes an emergency. All else has lost its value. Nothing is left standing. Self is becoming a magnet. A purifying fire that burns everything that you are not. This is the stage where suffering is SEEN and felt most acutely, but it has lost the grip it once had on the being. Lost the hopelessness and helplessness behind it. It is seen as that illusion that is and always was. This is when the person dissolves into being and is exclusively searching for itself, in itself.

Where are YOU on this path? 

Hi Ayla.. Yes. This urge exists in everyone. It is an urge to find the truth. It is a search for completeness. It is an urge to remember what we decided to forget but unconsciously already know. It is an urge to fulfill the promise we made ourselves: to remember the beauty that we ARE, to remember where we came from and in doing so return the beautiful gift of love we were given.


39 minutes ago, Ayla said:

@werlight , as beautiful as this sounds, it is all coming from Mind...they are all concepts meant to entertain duality. The fact that it sounds so refreshing and flowery, has no relation with the truth that we never made any promise, there's no remembering of anything, no returning anywhere, no love given. These are all illusions the mind throws at you to keep you in the doing, searching and thriving and as far away possible from just being what and who you already really are.



Beautiful ! Great ! Don't take my word for it.. look inside yourself to find the truth.. that's the only place you will find it.

Some advice.. First. Forget about everything you know, any knowledge that comes from outside yourself will only distract you. Second. Go deep inside yourself. The truth is not something for your mind to understand. It must be experienced, it is meant to be discovered. You must feel yourself into the truth not think yourself into the truth.
Third. Open your heart.

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I personally find less and less to talk about lately.. words anyway, have less and less value in what still needs to be expressed here.

I am that in which thoughts arise and fall, and do not chase after anything in the world to reveal to me That who I AM. I simply AM, and everything else is expressing somehow "in front" of ME, thus all the interest in trying to GET somewhere in order to find something, that has mercifully left me :) 

I am not looking around to solve any mystery any longer :)

You may call THAT one, bliss... or not. 



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The only issue is that you are approaching this from the mind: mind is trying to be "all one", it is trying to "be in bliss", "heart open" "to understand", "to experience", "how much I have to talk about" "how close I'm/you're getting"- it has a whole check-list of things that would be ticked off if "I" or "others" were awake. You, the beingness manifesting as "I am this person" and the activity of mind created/learnt all these ideas you have about yourself and others, and is trying to impersonate who you think you understood you are :D 

This is not the freedom you are looking for. 




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You are thinking too much my friend.. I almost got lost in your explanation, just relax and enjoy the beauty that IS. Have fun, ☀️☀️

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@Sigma At least you see that, which is already a major advantage :) 



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@Ayla What is it you think triggered this sense of ''emergency'' in you?

When things go wrong in your perspective, remember it's not about you ?

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@Water Sheer Pain, loss, no more steps outwards to be taken. It was: go completely IN - out totally "out" :D 

As little as I have studied Eckhart Tolle, my journey resembles a lot with his... You could say, I have been dragged into it kicking and screaming LOL 





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@Ayla I wonder how many of us were triggered by something positive, Ironically it was a mediocre relationship that jump started my questioning of reality.

When things go wrong in your perspective, remember it's not about you ?

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@Water In my current understanding and "research", I believe that it is seldom that "joy" is a big trigger for waking up. Joy mostly keeps you floating in whatever context you already are. What I find, is that discomfort, no matter how insignificant it might seem, makes you shift into a new paradigm and search for ways to alleviate it. 

I sometimes joke about it saying that, wherever it is, a mosquito always bites you in the place that is most painful to scratch :D 



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