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Do You Have Any Advice For Someone Who Dreads Hard Work?

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I have a fear of success and a fear of failure. I am scared to work for my goals because I am scared things will get hard and I will quit. Please tell me if there is anything I can do? Do you have a similar situation that you would like to share with me? And how you overcame your own demons? Thank you! :D 

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i am not sure if this works for everyone but what helped me was to just to work hard anyway but also find time to relax afterwards so i could re-charge and be ready and again the next day :)

  this is one of the best videos i have seen to solve ones problems its pretty mindblowing :)


Edited by BjarkeT

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Sounds like you are ready to do some real personal development work.  Congrats!  This is where you're gonna see the results that all the theory is promising.  This is where your life is gonna start to improve dramatically if you deep-dive and become a personal development junkie and start to implement the below modules.  Get passionate about the potential of this to your life.  

1.  Be a creator in your life/ you are the music-maker and you are the dreamer of dreams.  Become the artist where you are the art-work.  Not painting, not drawing, not music, not poetry -- but YOU, all of you, your life, your contribution!  Turn you into beautiful art.  And focus primarily on that as an artist. This is your #1 priority in life, don't lose sight of this ball.

2.  Do some enlightenment work to transcend all your limiting-beliefs.  Leo calls these dream-killers.  You can listen to his dream-killer videos if you log onto his website, there are 21 of them and they are excellent.  They are in the audio-downloads section.  Enlightenment work also dramatically reduces your fears, anxieties, neuroses, etc. and makes you much more emotionally-grounded.

3.  Do some life-purpose work to turn your "have tos" into "want tos".  When your dream is alligned with your work, the work becomes something you enjoy doing and thus becomes easy.  Try to align your life-purpose with contribution to maximize the motivation super-charging effect that life-purpose gives you.  Deep-down we all yearn deeply to make a great contribution with our lives and our works.  It's in your heart of hearts to contribute something to the world.

4.  Tame your elephant/ program the sub-conscious mind.  The conscious mind is like a rider on top of an elephant which has a mind of its own.  We can call the elephant the subconscious-mind.  You need to get the ornery elephant on the same page as the rider by practing meditation, visualizations, affirmations, and by baby-stepping daily-routines into your schedule that implement your goals.

5.  Be a great field-general in your life/ be a great strategist.  Clarify your goals.  Read your mission-statement every morning.  Clarify your action-plans to achieve these goals.  Break-down the work into stuff that can be fitted into a daily-routine and done daily.  The way you build a giant, beautiful cathedral is by taking consistent action on it every day, one brick at a time.

6.  Dump all your distractions and addictions.  They are robbing you of focus, energy, and heart, which you need to be concentrated like a laser-beam on your compelling life-purpose which is your cause in life, that which you are willing to bleed and to die for.  Baby-step removing this *shit* from your life so you don't get overwhelmed.  Clean it out slowly but steadily.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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