Principium Nexus

Continious Progress The Key To Hapiness?

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From my own experience I can tell that moving forward into new understanding, more detailed areas or fixing things that previously felt incomplete is key to my hapiness and fullfilment. Is it possible to feel fullfiled if someone would stop doing anything and on what would this fullfilment be based?


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28 minutes ago, Principium Nexus said:

Is it possible to feel fullfiled if someone would stop doing anything and on what would this fullfilment be based?

GREAT question. yes it's possible to be happy just working enough to eat enough, drink enough and sleep enough. this fulfillment would be based on nothing at all. it's one of the greatest wonders of life.

unborn Truth

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@ajasatya Then it's still based on something on the notion of whatever arises is satisfactory because we are in awe of reality itself. I wonder what degree of silence or absence of stimulation (doing stuff yourself or have a busy environment) is acceptable?

For example living alone on mars would be very lonely and boring in the longterm. Even if your fully enlightened and could let go off all grasping to do things, I bet it would be driving you nuts.

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@Principium Nexus it's not about doing nothing all the time. it's about living with the minimum amount of obligations and having LOTS of free time to do whatever. listening to people, drinking ayahuasca, dancing while singing the mahamantra with krishna devotees, practicing ashtanga yoga, contemplating, replying on this forum etc. my life can go on like this forever. my only obligation is to survive. and that's because i cannot choose otherwise, even though i've already tried.

unborn Truth

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I have come to the conclusion that doing nothing is actually not possible for something that does exist. Basically to keep existing is a continious progression on it's own even if the time is filled with non-discrete goals (whatever arises contents). So staying alive is the ultimate goal, because that is the ultimate fullfilment then? 

Edited by Principium Nexus

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3 minutes ago, Principium Nexus said:

So staying alive is the ultimate goal, because that is the ultimate fullfilment then?

nah, staying alive is just a simple task. and since we're alive, we're free to do whatever we want.

the problem is that people cannot free them from themselves. free time feels like ultimate hell because they cannot get rid of the mental harassing self-talk.

unborn Truth

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"The key to happiness" is positive, authentic relationships with other people, built on mutual love, trust and respect. That combined with decent physical health and gratitude for the relationships and health you have. Continous progress is a great bonus to have on top of that. 

Edited by Erlend K


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2 hours ago, Principium Nexus said:

Is it possible to feel fullfiled if someone would stop doing anything and on what would this fullfilment be based?

I feel that you can only be truly happy when you don't know happiness any more. In the sense of I started to be fulfilled all of the time when the distinction of happiness and not-happiness fell away. Then there is no defining no more because this is eventually what keeps you from being fulfilled in the first place. Because you draw a line in your head. You say: "Cake is great", "Trump is bad". And if your head doesn't say this no more, there's no one to be happy and no one to be sad and through that stillness arises that implicates the sense of sober fulfilment.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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1 minute ago, Azrael said:

And if your head doesn't say this no more, there's no one to be happy and no one to be sad and through that stillness arises that implicates the sense of sober fulfilment.

Just want to add that you clearly don't need to realize your enlightement to "have" that, it is way easier than you may think guys.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Principium Nexus Progress has nothing to do with happiness. Progress is a rat race. It never leads to happiness. It's a tool of self-survival.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I think it's the opposite. When we were babies we were happy by default and we had zero progress in life.

Then we learned to become unhappy. And now we need to fix our mind. Or better said, dis-learn.


Edited by Moreira

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doing nothing? you are generating the entirety of the world that you live in, every cell, every plant, every human being is being generated in your consciousness by you.

one has all the right to do ''nothing'' and be completely happy and fulfilled.

the illusion of a world is strong, it's made from infinite intelligence, you're not going to figure out with concepts how the world is unreal when you're being fooled by a magician with an intelligence several billion times more then yours.
but if you keep your feelings and your mind open, if you leave space, the feeling will come, of you generating the world.


Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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@Moreira But there is a difference by being cared of and stepping into adult survival. If you can turn survival into a playful act then you are doing something right.

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Great replies, guys! 

Being Worthy

in my personal journey, I have learned to appreciate making progress. I used to blame myself (believe it or not) that I wasn't worthy of improving my life, having decent emotions, and feeling good. This is a classic inferior ego structure. 

Be a Baby

I like the idea of becoming like a baby again. Babies are simply in awe with reality. They cannot even fathom the awesomeness of the physical world, let alone the virtual world. Dude, this machine is amazing! Any person in the world who has access to internet (which is growing A LOT) can read this thread right here. It is quite awesome.

Anyway, practice gratitude. Once you start doing it, not only will you feel more and more great in your body; you will naturally want to thank for more and more things. Joy will become abundant in your body.

Correct Breathing

By practicing correct breathing, you simply stop giving a fuck about the emotional bullshit you have been carrying, and you  start living truly from the heart. I mean it literally. You expand your chest-area through your breathing. You can also expand you belly, ribs, and chest. If it feels uncomfortable, good. This is a sign you are in terrible shape. You stop thinking. It is quite remarkable to have this experience. The mind becomes so quiet that you can contemplate existence the way you did as a little child. And the coolest thing is you do not have to stop moving your body. You can never stop your body. Even if you think you are perfectly still, there are still micromovements. So, why on Earth would anyone think that you have to refrain from moving your body. Start serving your body. And, you know what? The body loves deep breaths that you pull from your abdomen. And with every exhale, you release all the accumulated, clogged, shitty energy. The breath is the quickest way to feel fulfillment. The flow of energy within the body naturally brings about a deep sense of satisfaction. Maybe satisfaction is what you are looking for. Happiness has more to do with contentment. And the crazy thing is that you can be content even if you are freezing on a cold, winter's day (like it is in Brazil right at this moment). 


We are all every addicted to stimulation. We have become extremely passive. However, we have to start fabricating energy. And, trust me, you are surrounded by the Absolute Infinity energy. It is in the air. Notice if the ego resists this truth. You simply are not going to feel good in your body (which is what you really crave) with a sloppy posture. Sorry, that ain't gonna happen. It is natural to tighten the breath somewhat when you are in your day-to-day life. But as soon as you start practicing pranayamas (which means "breathing exercises"), you naturally start to breathe deeply when you completely immersed in the matrix (we all have phases of forgetfullness). 

Subconscious Mind

I hope you see that progress can be fun. But it can also make you miserable. Progress alone will not fulfill you. Fulfillment often comes in a multi-factorial way. However, I am pretty confident to say that correct breathing is basically all you need. Your life will naturally be taken care. By whom? Your subconscious mind, which is a whole universe working for you. Can you realize that you are literally the God of your body? This is the beginning of your liberation. As soon as you learn to give direct orders to this legion of infinite hard-workers (a.k.a. the subconscious mind), you will regain sovereignty over the possible chaos that is taking place in your body and mind. 

Be Mindful of Fake Zazen 

People, do not use zazen as a way to justify your lack of action. If you have been clearly procrastinating taking the leap of faith and actually doing something that will really boost your life, do that. Zazen can be misused. If you seek meditation or any spritual practice to avoid facing the ugly complications of your life, swallow right now the bitter pill that this is an illusion that will only create suffering. 

At the same time, the practice of meditation is so forgiving that it is okay even if you try to run away from things. The practice will help you become strong again and face whatever it is your higher self is pulling you to do.

Some examples of things you might be procrastinating

- Doing your first VIpassana retreat 
- Practicing (or learning) yoga
- Taking your first psychedelic trip 
- Taking college seriously 
- Giving 100% of your self to your life purpose
- Learn to have amazing sex 
- Develop mental, physical, and spiritual skills 
- Learn a new language
- Move from a toxic place (if you are under a serious case of abuse, just fucking leave. YOU WILL FIND HELP.)

* "Be bold, and might forces will help you" * 

Remember, reading, philosophizing, or theorizing without action is a complete waste of time. This forum has hidden gems. But what is the use of a treasure that is deep-down in the sea? ZERO! Enlightenment is real. Nothing is more real than the Truth of Enlightenment. It is present right in the present fucking moment. You might not see it, but it desperately wanting to enter you. And, again, the quickest way to achieve higher states of consciousness is through correct breathing. I kindly ask to your subconscious mind to give yoga a chance. Take a free trial class. If you are in this forum, if you are reading this enormous text; you are a seeker. And it would extremely selfish of my part to not share how much yoga has helped me, namely breathing exercises. But, again, it is a multi-factorial process. But, trust me, fix one thing, and, BAM!, the rest will follow.

Btw - Yes, you will feel like you are Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, a Unicorn, or whoever. But it fucking starts with your body. I hope your subconscious mind has integrated the truth the Buddha taught 2500 fucking years ago. Dude, do you see that? We have already figured out how to break free from the small sense of self. It is just a matter of time for the whole world to join us. This is exactly what John Lennon was talking about in Imagine. 

"You might say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one. I hope someday you join us, and the world will live as one."
John Lennon 

(it is real) 

Edited by Gabriel Antonio

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16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Principium Nexus Progress has nothing to do with happiness. Progress is a rat race. It never leads to happiness. It's a tool of self-survival.

Is mastery a progress/process, no?

Whatever happens..
The Truth will free my soul

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@Principium Nexus I dont think fulfillment is based on nothing.

Being fulfilled means nothing more then being completely absorbed in You, the One. You still will have your activities like all, but without concidering yourself being the cause of results, may they be positive or not.

Intelligent among people are those souls That see action in inaction, and inaction in action. 

I hope That this makes sense to You. Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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