
My Lucid Dreaming Insides To Share With You!

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Hello everybody, ^_^

I have been gathering my lucid dreaming insides for you in last few months. Today I had another nice lucid dream and I think that my technique just started to work well, concluding so because of higher rate of lucid dreams in a particular time, (which is around three times a week right now). 

I heard that some of you tried to have lucid dreams for years without a success. Maybe you can find why here.

Because I know that you already know a lot about lucid dreaming, I would like to avoid repeating basic stuff and highly popular facts. Here it is:


What to do for induction of the lucid dream:

1. Know the shapes and dynamics of your dreams. In order to have lucid dream you need to know how your "daily" dreams look alike. What sources of influences are getting through your consciousness into the dream. Because your daily enviroment is in constant change, because the story of your live is different in every week, the content of dreams changes. You need to be able to imagine what your dreams might look alike tonight. While you are dreaming, you need to recognize that these things are exactly what you thought you will see in the dream - and when you know, you know that this is a dream. I recomend you to keep a dream jurnal, where you can write every morning the storyes and properties of the dream, and then study them at the evening.

2. You need to be able of long and consistent thinking. Atherwise, focus. When your mind cannot hold a thought for a time required to process it, and when you lose your mind all the time, than your thinking is nothing but vortex of nonsence. And this is going to naturaly project into the way of your dreaming. Your dreams will not be consistent of any shape and any dynamics. The events will be pushing themselves out of the way, which will arise into something completly resisting of a recognition. Thenafter, you will be nolonger able of lucid dreaming at all, nor of making sence of your dreams in your jurnal. I recomend you to train your mind in consistency. Read books, write articles, stories, meditate, train your focus. Also keep your jurnal nice written! Make long and nice sentences, try to find better ways of interpreting memories. Writing a dream jurnal is not a 5 minute matter! It can took a 20 minutes, and it must be done before you even leave the bed at the morning. The daily storyes in jurnal might have from 400 to 1000 words, (1000 in rare oportunities).

3. Notice that if you woked up, you are still in the dream. This is important. The first thing that strikes you most when you are lucid dreaming is fear of waking up. So what your mind is gonna do is that it will pretend to wake up, so you are gonna think that it is all gone and you will fall back to normal dreaming again. The best way to protect this is by assuming that each and every awakening is a false one, and that you are still in a dream. So when you wake up from lucid dream, you must realise, that this is not reality. You are still dreaming. So the the reality checks again. (Dont worry, when you really, and I mean REALLY, wake up, you are going to recognize it.)


Contraditory factors:

Obvious: Stress, alcohol, drugs. Messing with your thinking, making the dreams a "vortex of nonsence".

More subtle: Sleep deprivation, sleeping too much, and irregular sleeping regime. You must have nice sleeping regime. Sleeping every day from x to y, without changing the numbers too much. You need to sleep enough, from 7-8 hours, and you must not sleep to much, nor too less. And you cannot think that sleeping is just an automatic process that happens by itself. It does not. You have to take care about your sleeping. (This is also important for your health and wellbeing.)


Goals to accomplish:

It is important to set good expectation for yourself, to set what you can achieve durring dreaming, and what is too much for you right now. Here are some my goals in chronological order. But you can set your own.

1. Learn to recognize a dream. 2. Learn to become lucid in the dream. 3. Learn to not fall back asleep while lucid dreaming. 4. Learn to manipulate the land of dreams. 5. Learn to rememer the actual date and day in week while you are dreaming - if it is monday 8. 21. 2017, or not, and place where you are dreaming - if your are at home or staing at hotel...

Why to lucid dream?

1. I think that the most important benefit of lucid dreaming is the new sence of reality that you gain. It is realy impressive to se how does these dreams look alike. You know - dreams can be SO MUCH REAL. Dreams can sometime feel much more real than the reality we are living. Just a few of my first lucid dreams have completly changed my view on reality. Reality is nothing but a halucination based on approximation of surrounding events. And this sence is realy powerfull.

2. Good Hobby. A: "What did you do last night?" B: "Well, I a was sleeping, and you?" A: "I was lucid dreaming about flying high in the skyes!" For real, lucid dreams can be fun. But, yes, it is jus a hobby, so even if it might look like I am very serious about them, I am not. I could clearly say that lucid dreaming is not as important as having good fun at the real live with real friends. Every hobby must have its limits, even it is an impressive one.

So that is it!

Thank you very much for reading! In case of wider interest, I realy recomend you to read book Lucid dreaming from Stephen LaBerge! Google him.

I am open to your questions and suggestions. ^_^


Edited by Delinkaaaa

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