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When Learning Not = Behavior Change

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we learn about each other. this requiers no behavior change - it is sharing of ourselves in expression. 


maybe Leo would prefer not to call that learning - but I feel it should be mentioned to remind those who are learning about learning = behavior change, on not forgetting the importance of other aspects of traditional learning. 

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Also exposure to tons of material and concepts is very important, definitely a type of learning.

but as Leo mentioned in the video -->

 "This is just ONE perspective on learning. It's not an exclusive perspective. There are OTHER perspectives about what learning is that are also important which I want to share with you in the future."

So @alyra 

29 minutes ago, alyra said:

We learn about each other. Maybe Leo would prefer not to call that learning

He'd definitely call that learning. 

Memento Mori

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Yes, the statement is intended as a reminder of something which might be overlooked, as we work to understand learning = behavior change. Learning a relationship will have importance beyond behavior change.


Admittedly behavior would reveal this learning, and by behavior, a relationship is affirmed to matter to the two. But, the learning is deeper than the level of behavior change. The learning here, is in acceptance, openness, listening, and sharing memory. And more of course too. 

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change how you think about behavior and suddenly all things are behavior ;)

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