
Self Acceptance Issue

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After months of deep actualization seeing childhood photos of myself make me uncomfortable/upset. An urge to protect that child(me) and making sure that child lives to his full potential follows me.........

whats going on???

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Every adult has an inner child based on their own memories of how to be a child. Now that you are an adult and through introspection have come to realize the differences to how you are now to when you were growing up. The adult in you, the nurturing part of you, wants to nurture the wounds that have not yet been fully accepted. For many in the same situation, they have taken over the parent role over themselves. They have searched for the truth of these wounds, and through their acceptance have been able to heal themselves (inner child self). Their inner child eventually losses its fears and starts to come out to play. This is when an adult is not ashamed to be childlike but not childish. 

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