
"what Is The Substance Of Reality?"

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"What Is The Substance Of Reality?"

I am messing around lately with this self-inquiry question based on the "Leo Hits Rock Bottom" video. 

Although it feels different and somehow better it also feels very dry. On the "who am I? self-inquiry question you are looking to find yourself which at least gives you some grounding to ask the question from, in a technical sense.

On this one, though it feels like I am just repeating the question waiting for something to happen out of thin air. Call it bad conscious traction or too big of a conscious gap, I ain't feeling it.

Is it just a mental thing of mine or is it something actually missing here?

Edited by Socrates

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@Socrates Reality is the substance of reality. Reality just happens within itself.

Reality has up's and downs as it ebb's and flows_____and all the while it comes and goes.    

Your question inspired a moment of contemplation and to write something to share. Whatever reality is made of, enjoy it while it's here. :)

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1 hour ago, Shiva said:

Well, it's just a play of 118 elements. Does this really explain anything?

No, he wants to know also the substance of those elements - or that out of which everything is made of

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Don't ask the question too often, maybe once every 5 minutes.

The only thing you have to do is to concentrate very hard or to be totally decontracted while looking around or on a specific object.

It is quite obvious when you see/feel it, but it's also very subtle (don't expect something amazing).

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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19 minutes ago, Shin said:

Don't ask the question too often, maybe once every 5 minutes.

The only thing you have to do is to concentrate very hard or to be totally decontracted while looking around or on a specific object.

It is quite obvious when you see/feel it, but it's also very subtle (don't expect something amazing).

I want to add that it's good to keep in mind that it's always the one experiencing, the thing looking from you right now is That. You are That.

Surrendering only to that Truth is the basking in the Self.

But we want to find the substance of existence?  The answer is the same. Find yourself and then you will find the substance being you. Now you are at peace. Nothingness is magic and that's why it's everywhere. 

Right now this is an experience of nothing by nothing. All words come from nothing.  All words return to nothing.  We come from nothing,  we are nothing, hallucinating it's real, something. Then I return to not hallucinating and being nothing, the one I always am.

Everything - which is absolutely nothing (real, 100% me, awareness ) + hallucinations (not real, 0% me, therefore nothing,  therefore real, therefore also 100% me, awareness). 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@Shiva I'm pretty sure that's not how you're meant to go about it. Those are all just concepts and beliefs.

Maybe a better approach would be...

“...when you look at an object, you immediately know what it is. But beyond this information, what is it? What is it really, as itself, for itself, without having any use or meaning for you?”

"Find what you love and let it kill you." - Charles Bukowski

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31 minutes ago, Shiva said:

Exactly! You apply all concepts and beliefs you may have and then become conscious of their fragile nature. This way you will see they don't actually explain anything

Beautiful explanation.  I can feel the emptiness of dropping these fragile concepts. I simply am, embracing not knowing who I am, other than awareness ? 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Reality has no substance. it's shockingly mystical. but its mechanics, the aspects of Maya, are like shadows of an extremely complex dance performance in which there's nothing dancing at all.

unborn Truth

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There is no substance.  There can be no grounding.  It is itself.  Grasp this with your being not just with the intellect.

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Reality seems to be terribly made puzzle for solving with a naked humand mind. Lets rather play sudoku.


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language can't answer your question. It can only point you toward it. Now reality is that you are reading these words by applying awareness , so these words are made of that substance which is the only thing present, making the reality.

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@Socrates Uncreated light (invisible) energy is the substance of the Greater Reality. This reality, what we sense, is uncreated light manifested into visible energy. In regards to us, the uncreated light is our spirit.

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I am starting to doubt if people here even read the questions or just talk just for talking sake...

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@Socrates Reality has no substance my friend. It is the Only Living substance by what is apart from it is nothing at all.

Reality is the most subtle of subtle which is the source, sustainer and cause of all causes.

Reality is the alpha and the omega the truth and the light.

Reality is The Living ONE situated in all hearts as ONE.

Reality is but an impersonal name for You, or You That is personified- seen in a universal form which is the ONE controller over all living entities.

Reality = Living ONE.


Ahayah Ashar Ahayah Socrates.

Chant and be free! Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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I would prefer going directly to the source and not taking a sidetrack.


Who am I?

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What is the substance of Reality? 

I've always hoped physics (super string theory) would answer that question someday. But it seems that the more answers physicists get, the more the questions arise. So as realizing the futility and paradox of attempting to answer such a question- 'Silver bells and cockle shells'  is just as good an answer as any.


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The question is absurd and dualistic.  Substance is a Mind-Matrix thing.  Being doesn't conform to the Mind-Matrix.  The Mind-Matrix wants to cubby-hole and judge Being.  See, even this language I am using here is metaphorical.  That's an insight that you gotta grok.  That's the deepest insight is that all language and thoughts are atomistic and dualistic.  Being is non-dual.  <= But this thought is dual.  See that?  The way to get at substance is to back away from the Mind-Matrix and see what is left.  But even this description is metaphorical.  See?  If you wanna get at Being you gotta realize all the traps of duality.  I know it now because I've experienced it.  Once you experience it you will come to know it.  And then you can stay in it.  But see, even this is metaphorical -- stay in what?  And even this is dualistic because it reeks of discreteness.  Being is not discrete.  Doh' even this is discrete?  See?  Duality is hugely limited when talking about Being.  We do not realize the limits of duality without some education and inquiry.  What is useful for Science is not necessarily useful in Metaphysics.  What is Being?  See, even this question reeks of duality.  It assumes Being is individuated.  Let's say I say this -- Being is not individuated.  Ok, well, same problem.  

What Being is is reality unpolluted by the Mind-Matrix.  But even this description is metaphorical.  Once you see the metaphorical nature of all language when referencing Being, you'll notice that Being has nothing to do with the cubby-holes that we are neurotically trying to cling to.  And when you can distance yourself from these processes, then you can see what is left, and that is pure creativity, lightness, spontaneity, love, and peace.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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You are the substance of reality, there is nothing happening outside of you.

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@Socrates people use words like consciousness, unified field, God, One etc.  The One ( just a word) keeps it real though and doesn't think or use words.  it just chills in the isness.  i have no idea what im saying.   



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