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Joseph Maynor

What Are Your 5 Proudest Moments In Your Life So Far?

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Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Here's mine:

1.  My education.  Deciding to major in Philosophy which I caught a lot of shit for.  Writing my philosophy book (content stage is completed).  But a lot more writing is needed.  My labor of love.

2.  Getting to the core of personal development.  Deep-diving it to get at the sweetest fruit inside -- enlightenment.  Doing personal development for 15 years.

3.  Living a fearless, shameless life.  Never compromising on this.  I never cared what other people think about me, almost to a fault.  My brutal honesty, punk-rocker mentality.  I've mellowed with age though.

4.  All the times when I told people to F-off or quit when it was the right thing to do.  Smart quitting is one of the keys of life.  Almost every major turning-point in my life, I chose the right thing -- following my intuition even when it caused me damage.  

5.  Starting my own business which I still nurture to this day.  One of the best decisions I made was getting out of traditional offices.  I don't work and play well with others.  I treat everything I do as a little ritual, a little piece of art that I get to create.  Working for myself has enabled me to really deep-dive into this creative lifestyle.  Setting my own schedule, not feeling too reined-in.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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  1. Forgiving my childhood abuser.
  2. Overcoming alcoholism, drug addition and park-bench existence.
  3. Re-educating myself to gain university entrance, and then a Bachelor of Health Science (rehab counselling).
  4. Contender for the Worlds Masters Road Cycling Championships.
  5. Surrendering all the above for gratitude as opposed to being proud.


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I don't have many yet, since my life did not start that long ago :P 

But one of my proudes moments was when I played 'River Flows In You' by Yiruma on the piano at my grandmothers funeral. I did not know anything of personal development back then. But this idea of mastery and giving it my all was very implemented in my head. I went through fire to learn this, practiced 4 hours a day as a 12 year old kid and was determined to show her.

Kinda breaks my heart when I think back playing it before her just days before she passed away. We hugged it out after I finished playing for her, then days later my dad came to school to tell my she had left. So that was the last time I saw her alive aswell. When I played on the funeral it was not really the same because she was not there, but still happy I did it.

I'm glad I got to say goodbye in my own way

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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1. Creating a Meditation habit and never missing a day of it at all. Started meditating a year and two months ago. Basically becoming dedicated to personal development. (Helped me beat depression)

2. Overcoming drug addictions (codeine, weed, xanax)

3. Becoming dedicated to fitness and being healthy

4. Becoming a basketball coach. Created many great friendships through this and learned a lot about people.

5. Kind of related to #1 but, deciding to maximize my potential as a human being on Earth. Living life to it's fullest potential and doing this through personal development. 

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