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How To Promote My Idea?

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I have something unique to show to the world, an idea which was never exploited before... but I don't know how to promote my idea.

I'm reading some business books and it feels like I'm wasting my time.
Maybe it's the books, or maybe it's really a wrong way of getting to know how to promote my idea.

I don't know how to develop it...
Is this a common "symptom"?
Is this a common symptom in this "path"?
I'm a begginer in this field.
I know maybe I sound stupid... but whatever information I read, it just feels like I'm getting nowhere. 

What is wrong?

I don't need "direct" solutions. I think... what I really want to know is... if this is normal? To don't know where to go, how to do it...

I am also afraid to start being part in this "business" world... Even if, let's say, in the future I will know plenty of information (and know how things work), I still feel like I will be devoured by the other people in this field.
I am also afraid of people to take advantage of me and my idea/ steal it.

Can someone give me some advice?
If something's vague in my post I will explain again.

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Is the idea some product or service you want yo sell? Do you have the capital to start a business? 


My first published essay

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11 hours ago, student said:

I don't need "direct" solutions. I think... what I really want to know is... if this is normal? To don't know where to go, how to do it...

Yup. Welcome to entrepreneurship, where you don't know what you're doing and no one can tell you what's right.

11 hours ago, student said:

I am also afraid of people to take advantage of me and my idea/ steal it.


That can happen, but that is the most pointless thing to worry about right now. You're way overthinking this.

No one cares about your idea. The fact is that even if you gave everyone on the planet the best business idea in the world, only 5% would actually be able execute it. That's how bad most people are at creating results.

Plus, do you know how grateful you should be that you got a business to a point where people want to steal from you? Again, most people can't even do that.

11 hours ago, student said:

I am also afraid to start being part in this "business" world... Even if, let's say, in the future I will know plenty of information (and know how things work), I still feel like I will be devoured by the other people in this field.

That could happen. Large percentages of business are stomped out by competition.

The question is, does that really matter?

By doing nothing, your failure is already assured. Only by doing SOMETHING can you actually make it.

Your mind is playing tricks with you because it doesn't want you to take risks. It doesn't want you to grow. It wants you to STAY THE SAME.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Execute it.

Whatever happens..
The Truth will free my soul

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I think you lack the motivation to get started, reading books and watching videos us the easy part.If it's a product, prototype it and ask around if people would be interested. If you need investments there are probably people who can help with that too. If it's a service offer it for free once or twice to get some customers. 

If you never start because you don't want people to find out, you'll never get anywhere. Most people who buy what you sell are not smart enought to steal it and will think, well clearly there is already a market for that, so why should I start?

I also have a crazy "not available elsewhere" idea, but i feel like it would be almost unethical to sell it.Because it exploits a very serous insecurity. The dilemmas of personal-developmentxD.

Edited by Spiral

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Check out the book Inbox Blueprint by Anik Singal.  I've started on the journey of getting my message across in terms of digital marketing. 

I write about scientific-based self-help, habits, productivity, creativity and ancient wisdom over at


"Lions don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep" - The Internet

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Hi! Thanks y'all for the answers.

23 hours ago, Erlend K said:

Is the idea some product or service you want yo sell? Do you have the capital to start a business?

It's a service. It will raise people consciousness and will raise their awareness of what they may become, and not only that... it will cover many many things.

23 hours ago, Erlend K said:

Do you have the capital to start a business? 

I don't know how to promote this service... and, like i said, I'm also afraid of someone to take advantage of my idea. Well... honestly, this is a big problem for me.

(I always think beforehand to avoid any "fatal" step)

13 hours ago, aurum said:

The question is, does that really matter?

I deeply care for this service (and my passion at the same time), so... yes, what is important is to let it guide you, not fear.


13 hours ago, aurum said:

Your mind is playing tricks with you because it doesn't want you to take risks. It doesn't want you to grow. It wants you to STAY THE SAME.

Like I said, I always think beforehand... that's how I am, in any field... And I think is good for anyone to do this. I really have the motivation to step in this field, because I know I will help many people, but it is more a fear of people that maybe they will easily take advantage of me.


8 hours ago, Spiral said:

Most people who buy what you sell are not smart enought to steal it and will think, well clearly there is already a market for that, so why should I start?

Why bother about the "not so smart" people? Let's think just about the possible dangers to be able to avoid it. 

The thing is, is that I am a begginer in this field of business. Just in this field. My idea and what I do can be very well executed, but afterwards I also must promote it, and in this field of business there are people way more smarter than me, that can take advantage, because I don't know so many things about business. I'm afraid of the smart people. And I don't think it is a good idea to spend years learning about business and just then promote your work. 

@Spiral May I ask you, what is the field you are specialized in? (or want to be)

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@student Because most of the aren't, so most of your consumers won't even think about stealing your idea. Imagine you had leos idea and you started this forum. Some people "copied" him and started a channel but as far as i've seen aren't as professorial, serious or successful and don't really get in his way. 

I'm studying software engineering , the ideas is a product/service duo in the "health and beauty sector". Still experimental but I like the progress i've seen so far. Due to the idea being a applied cream with simpel yet secret ingrediens I have to apply it myself to prevent analys.       

Here is a idea, contract someone else to do the promotion. They sign a contract disalowing them to steal your idea


Edited by Spiral

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Ideas are a dime a dozen. Someone in the world somewhere already has that same exact idea or is already working on it. It's more about the execution of the idea rather than the idea itself. It doesn't matter if someone "steals" your idea, although I believe ideas can't be stolen because they never really belong to anyone. Whoever can execute the best will win the market. 

It's normal to feel lost and not know where to start. You have to start with examining your idea from a practical stand point. Do we currently have the technology to develop it? What will it cost to develop? What type of knowledge is required to put the idea into action? Keep looking for ways that the idea can be applied through tangible and practical results.

You are looking for how to promote it when you haven't even developed it. First worry about developing it into something that can actually be applied and bring real value to people. Get some real world RESULTS first.

Once you get something real and it works consistently, then let me know. I know a lot about digital marketing, and promotion.

You would receive more help and guidance in where to begin if you shared your idea, but if you're too scared to share it that is fine.

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