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I Suck At Balance

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I know how important is to balance life in relationships,friends, profession. But i always tend to overdo things and hence out of balance most of the time. How do i get good at balancing?

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Get your priorities straight, make a list what is important to you. Focus on doing those things with care because they are important. The other things therefor need less attention and this should help you with planning and balancing energy.

Also do not overwork, plan breaks, freetime, mindfullness/meditation. These are as important as working to get things ordered and have clear vision or just to relax in general.

So getting some sort of general scheme is great, but also know how to be flexible when things around you change and you have to adapt. It takes time and practise and is an ongoing process.

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I have kind of the same problem. One thing that seems to help is simply pursuing One project  at a time and sticking to it until it is finished. Put the other stuff on hold for a while. It may seem like you need more time but in the long run I think this is the Only way that produces good results effectively.

I tried to implement all the practices I wanted to implement in My life at once for about 1-2 years. I tried to build a daily meditation habit, create a morning routine containing affirmations and visualisation, implement a reading habit, clean up My diet, create regular exercise habit and gain muscle and create a carreer in music all together while at the same time getting good grades in school/university and meeting My friends, family and girlfriend on a regular basis.

Needless to say none of that really worked. I implemented some of it to same superficial extent, but everything fell apart, once there were some difficulties. Leo's video about expectations pretty much opened My eyes. Just some days ago I really noticed how much time all these things take realistically. To implement all that and get it into place, I might very well need 5-6 years or even more.

PD is not a quick process. Pick easier things first and accomplish them fully, you can keep some stuff in the background, but don't fully pursue it until you really made it with the previous project.

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Do some visualizing about what you want your life to look like.  Identify things that are really feeding that vision and things that are not.  Then, you gotta do the emotional-labor of maximizing the behaviors that are working to get you the results you want and dropping all the rest.  Get rid of all that stupid *shit* you are doing that is not advancing your life vision.  So, you gotta do a little visualizing, you gotta do a little looking into your future.  Maybe take half-a-day and go out to nature or a park to do this.  Bring a yellow pad and a pen.  Commiserate with the birds.

Video on point to watch:


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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12 hours ago, Jhonny said:

I Suck At Balance

very good! humility is the golden key.

unborn Truth

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Do you actually suck at balance? Or are you just focusing on one area more than others?

Balance is a nuanced thing. It's not I do work 20%, relationships 20%, health 20%, spiritual growth 20% and family 20%. That's a simplistic notion of balance.

In the way I or Leo might talk about balance, you could be spending 95% of your time doing one thing and still be balanced. The question is, what do you want?

Balance is relative based on your current goals.

Also, balance is not something you just achieve and then it's over. It's more like continually walking a tight-rope, with adjustments being made every step of the way.

My gut reaction is to say you need to prioritize and being willing to cut shit out that you really don't want. Many people can't balance things because they can't say no.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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