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What Is The Best Way To Come Out Of Deep Unconsciousness

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what is the best way to come out of deep unconsciousness
you've probably experienced times when you go in deep unconsciousness for hours and even days there are days that we dont do anything and we are just in our head and there are just glimpses for doing daily chores which in this state even some of those wont be done. the person is extremely unconscious that even though he/she remembers for example that meditating helps doesn't actually start doing it for hours. this situation particularly deepens when you have depression or have been in a break up or thinking about sex
I am a determined human being who knows what are his goals and strategies and has a plan that tries to stick to it whit decipline I also watch all Leos free video content on you tube so I know about mindfulness and being in the moment and practiced them and I have improved alot thanks to my beloved coach Leo gura whom I consider as my brother or my self  nothing and everything spiritually speaking, but I some times fall into this trap of deep unconsciousness and cant help my self although Im well equipped with theory, this situation is rare but hurts me a lot some times I dont do my urgent activities 
so what is your solution to this problem?
have you ever been in this state?

thanks for participating  

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consider that its not about not knowing what to do, I know that I lack consciousness and I need to be doing meditation but sometimes its goes too deep that I wont recognize time

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