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Frank B

Infinity Vs Scarcity

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If reality is so infinite & beautiful, then why am I so neurotic? Why is my life filled with suffering?

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Do you realize what infinite means?

Its means EVERYTHING. Neuroticism and suffering are two things within everything. If there was no neuroticism or suffering, there could not be infinity.

Why do you overlook the beauty of neurosis and suffering? Are these not beautiful things?

The reason your life is filled with suffering is because you haven't yet learned the lessons which that suffering is trying to show you, so that you could realize the nonduality of existence.

Suffering is meant to lead you to infinity. If you would just listen to it.

The mechanism is PERFECT! You have no idea yet just how perfect it all is. It is perfectly designed to lead you to Truth. You just can't see that yet because ego clouds your perception. That is the cost of egotism. Your suffering is directly proportional to how egotisical you are.

So do the work, and you will one day experience the infinite beauty of everything (heaven). Or don't, and stay in hell.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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You're neurotic because you're not integrated right within reality.  You're not grounded.  You're not harmonized with reality.   Enlightenment works on this.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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