Leo Gura

Are Trolls Real?

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No, I don't mean internet trolls. I mean the trolls of fairy-tale lore. Again, this one requires some radical openmindedness.

Here's some food for thought:


“Stoned on Stones”
by Paul Lup-Tze
Vice Magazine, Volume 13 Number 36: Monday, July 3rd, 2006.

“It was the most intense hallucinogenic experience that I’ve ever had, and I’ve done every trip there is,” says Icelandic writer Smari Einarsson. “DMT, peyote… you name it. We have these magic mushrooms here that grow wild. I’ve eaten those more times than I can count. They cannot even come close to the effect of these rocks.”

Volcanic rocks, which cover the Icelandic landscape, have been getting local kids high for five years now, ever since a local artist did a performance piece called Rock Soup. Jon Sigmundson’s art piece was meant to make a commentary on Icelanders’ high standard of living, which he believes relies on taking for grated third-world suffering. He made rock soup, he said in a written statement, to “try and live on nothing.” The serendipitous discovery he made is that these rocks get you fuggin’ wasted.

It is actually the lichen that lives on the rocks that gets you off. You take a few stones, boil them in a pot of water, strain it all through a colander, and drink it down like tea. Some people add ginger and honey, but it really has a nice taste undiluted. It’s very earthy.

People who have “taken stones,” as it is called, share strikingly similar stories.

“Trolls,” says a young Icelandic girl who was interviewed at local Reykjavik bar Sirkus. She’ll only give her first name, which is Essa. “Every time we do stones, we see the same group of trolls. They are not unkind, but they aren’t overly friendly either,” she says. “Mostly what they do is advise you. You always come away from a stones trip with a question that you had on your mind answered. You also see the most vivid colors ever. It’s like living in Fantasia!”


Upon further research I was unable to find any corroborating sources or additional stories.

Anyone here from Iceland ever hear of such stories??? It would be amazing to know what specific lichens they are.

This is supposedly what it might look like:


P.S. Don't go eating random lichens! Some are toxic and will kill you.

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So Illuminati could actually be true. I mean... we're talking about trolls

Edited by Wesley

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Everything is awareness is Truth

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I don't know whether trolls are real, but check out this cool documentary about Nazca aliens. One of the best I've seen so far with pretty legit findings.


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They are probably guides coming in the form of trolls, because it fits in with the cultural belief system. It would be interesting if an american who has never heard this story got their hands on these rocks and saw trolls too. 



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The hallucinations you get are influenced by your background and culture, hence people from that area of the world seeing trolls.  

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One that we can say exists for sure is Dictyonema huaorani. This lichen was very recently discovered in the Ecuadorian area of the Amazon rainforest, and is thought to be extremely potent. It is extremely rare, so rare in fact that locals have not used it for generations. The scientists exploring the area even regarded it as their ‘white whale’ - an elusive trophy they were hunting for years, but never really expect to find. Upon spectral analysis, the lichen was found to contain tryptamine, psilocybin, 5-MeO-DMT, 5-methoxytryptamine (5-MeOT), 5-MeO-NMT, and 5-methoxytryptamine (5-MT) – quite a mix!


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Trolls can be hired as bodyguards against negative entities^^

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I've spent some time in Iceland and hung out with locals there. It seems like the average person there takes it for granted that trolls and fairies are real, and also that the norse gods are/were real. The people I met talk about this stuff so matter of fact, it was sometimes hard to go along with these conversations without questioning it or bursting into laughs..

Strangely, I had a dream last night that trolls are real. In my dream it turned out that they were just plain old homo sapiens, but really ancient culture and gene pool, so they lived and behaved very differently from the rest of us.



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Trolls are Nephilim perhaps evil entity born to die free to live outside our 3rd dimensional laws.. If giants had existed and dinosaurs how hard would it be to believe in troll. 

If earth is maybe 6,000 or 8,000 years old. Is sasquatch or bigfoot yeti consider as a troll?

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@Principium Nexus be careful to share this video with us. I researched a little bit about this Nazca alien. it seems to be fake.

Lately some hobby scientists make dokus about alien stuff in peru . There was found an alien hand some month before from this pseudo science group (this was fake, it were just human bones ordered new so that it looks like an alien hand). This is not real science, they just want to make some money with this fake alien (for updates in this project you need to pay...).

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Mostly what they do is advise you. You always come away from a stones trip with a question that you had on your mind answered.

Taking advice from some Trolls? Sounds legit.  

Edited by Truth

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Just for fun.

Supposedly the interview took place at this place. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sirkus/@64.1453247,-21.931693,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x3a33220fc361ac3!8m2!3d64.1453247!4d-21.9295043

The lichens are supposedly from the Collema family.









I think it's totally possible for trolls to exist. All kinds of beings exist but a lot of them we're unable to perceive. There are a lot of different electromagnetic spectrums. 

When the pineal gland releases DMT, higher electromagnetic light spectrums are sticking to it and so we can see other dimensions of light with our pineal gland which is our third eye . Beings can exists on different light spectrums that are different from ours.

When you decalcify the pineal gland and get super healthy the body naturaly produces more DMT and so you become able to perceive more subtle realms.


Edited by AleksM

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It's sounds like a specific type of "spirit guide" experience from the cosmic self/higher subtle stage, as I referenced in another post.  This is the stage of high archetypes that appear in some specific visual or aural form.

It's cool that you get to see trolls on lichens, but it's ultimately the message/advice they impart, not the form the messenger takes that matters.

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10 hours ago, Heart of Space said:

The hallucinations you get are influenced by your background and culture, hence people from that area of the world seeing trolls.  

But what created the cultural memes in the first place? Just random fantasy? Or something more?

Maybe trolls live under bridges and throw stones cause that's where the lichens grow?

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Upon reading the thread title my mind went off on a tangent about some ideas I pondered the other day and it wasn't the internet trolls way but since my ideas don't apply to the actual thread topic I will just leave this here.... and leave.


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12 hours ago, Heart of Space said:

The hallucinations you get are influenced by your background and culture, hence people from that area of the world seeing trolls.  

What influences the (let's call them) visions is the type of psychedelic you ingest.  You give lichens to someone from another part of the world, they'll see trolls.  You give an African psychoactive to someone from the US, they'll see African warriors, etc.  I've experienced this first-hand.  It doesn't happen that way 100% of the time, but I think it's pretty consistent when you first take some given psychoactive.

The cultural memes are created because the locals invariably come across and ingest these substances.

Edited by Haumea

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