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In The Blink Of An Eye

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I remember reading somewhere that for your oversoul the entirety of your life going by is like a second for the oversoul...this relation between psychological time and attention is interesting for me. 

time is very complex and interesting, time can go by faster and yet the same time can be more abundant.
That's the thing with enlightenment, time seems to go by faster, and at the same time it is going by slower. 

the quantitative property of time passing by, the feeling of how ''fast'' time goes by in my opinion has to do with ''smoothness''. 
If you're unhappy time doesn't go by smoothly, obviously. If you're happy, this smoothness, this gliding of time comes in. 
But this gliding of time doesn't mean time is going by faster, it is just that you're not paying attention to the passing of time, you're outside of time so to speak. 

Those magic times when you're really happy, they are filled with more details and events, because that's why you're so happy, what makes you happy are incredible things, they're filled with these immense experiences. 

So even though you experience more then ever, you go through so much crazy happy stuff, you lose your relationship to time. 
doesn't anyone else experience this? when you're really having fun time you get into this trance and suddenly it's over, you notice time flew by. 
but it didn't fly by, actually you went through so much stuff being happy, what we experience is a loss of the concept of time.

this bond between happiness and loss of relationship to time is important. 
we live in a made-up world of time, of past and future.
When we're genuinely happy we get pulled out of that illusion, because happiness pulls us in the present moment, because happiness is in the present moment, in the ''now'' so to speak. 

We all through enlightenment aim for the ultimate happiness, the end of suffering forever, we aim to live in bliss and happiness. 
This does mean though, that we're aiming for a place outside of our world of time. 

If we live our lives in bliss and consequence our lives will go by in the blink of an eye.
We'd enter the truth of the world, where everything happens now. 

This is why death is such a major key in enlightenment. 
You cannot attain this heavenly happiness if you're afraid to die.
Because deep down you'll be afraid to step outside the world of time, and to be literally racing head-on towards your death at thousand miles an hour. 

The fear of death is what sustains this world of time. It's what sustains the past and the future. 

The implication of being truely, genuinely happy, to live in the present moment in bliss is that there is no time,you cannot keep track of your death, you cannot keep track of your life, you cannot shield yourself from death nor can you see it coming in any way.
you cannot predict or look out for is coming to you with absolute certainty, it's as if it's practically there around the corner,and if you are genuinely outside of time it is there.
everything happens now

the best way to put iit s that you're genuinely happy you're falling of a cliff straight towards the ground which is death and as long as you have a problem with that you can't be in that place. 

the degree in which we fear death is the degree to which we cannot attain true happiness, we cannot step outside of time. 

It has to be said that and I'm starting to see this, is that to live in time and suffering, is to delay your death. 

if you're suffering time goes by slowly and you get to sorta stay put.
this to me seems to be what most of us get out of living in the past and the future. We get to watch out for death, we get to stay far away from it. 

we're getting something out of not being enlightened and it has to be recognized so that we can work on overcoming this shield of comfort made out of time, just to protect us from death. 
to be enlightened is to really die, ultimate happiness goes hand in hand with death.

if you're ready to die, you're ready to really be happy


Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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