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Completely Confused On The Path Of Life.

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I have never been so confused in my path of life.

Years ago, I let too much shit slide, I was cheated on by my girlfriend at the time and I was accused multiple times of "not taking life seriously enough." Fast forward about 3 years, I've worked on my approach game, confidence, social skills, etc and now I've become way more dominant in life. I take life seriously a majority of the time. Now I'm being told that I take life too seriously, by a few sources.

I've been told also that I'm not "engaged enough" in the present moments. I am generally always watching things unfold and then assert myself when things get out of hand. I don't want to play with people, I don't want to play games any more. I have goals that I'm completely focused on. I have adopted behavior to not open myself fully up to anyone anymore because I end up getting emotionally hurt. I don't trust anything/anyone at face value either anymore.

I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I can't go back to not being assertive. I can't please anyone and I don't want to please people anymore.

I am open to hearing opinions on my situation. I understand there's not much information to go on here.

Edited by poimandres

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