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Question From Life Purpose Course.

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So I need to build skills around a purpose for a couple of years until I'm good enough to make a living of my life purpose.

But how do I make money until that point? If I had to work a normal 9-5 job to make money and than do the skill building thing after  coming home from work I just wouldn't do the skill building because I'd be too tired.


How do I focus on building skills when I'm not yet good enough to be paid while building those skills?


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You said it yourself. Work your 9-5 to make living and in your spare time develop your skills. That's how most of us do, the transition could honestly take few years. 

It helps to create a good morning routine so that by the time you are off to work, you would have already spend 1 hour or more, working on your skills. I have learned that in my life the reason for lack of energy was that I had many unhealthy habits like late night TV and PC games and my nutrition was really poor based only on cooked and processed food. 

Turn this around and you will have a lot of energy even after work. There are no excuses, only solutions that are more or less obvious. 

Reading Steven Covey's 7 habits could definitely give you some ideas on how to optimise your routine and how to focus on what is really important. 

Cheers !





“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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@heisenburger There are several ways:

  1. Work 9-5, develop skills on nights and weekends.
  2. Work part-time and develop skills.
  3. Find someone to support you, like parents or friends while you develop skills full time.
  4. Work 9-5 for a year or two, save up all your money, then quit job and develop skills full time.
  5. Start a business which makes money right now.
  6. Find a job or internship which helps you build the skills you want.

You have to be strategic about finding high-paying jobs, or jobs which have low work hours, or low stress/energy jobs.

You have to be strategic with you money expenses. Save up every dollar you can, stop wasting money on stupid shit.

This is a bootstrapping process. Expect it to be challenging. Expect to work a little harder than most people. You're not gonna be doing it forever, just a few years.

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youve mentioned the root cause that holds you back 

your problem is simply becoming tired soon so, work on your job and skills to pay bills , but before starting life purpose work on your stamina and hit the gym and clean you diet this way you will have enough energy to start your life purpose and not be tired while doing it

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@heisenburger No answer for I can think of right now but I just wanna say that this is a good question. Very few ask informed questions on the forum lately but that may be just me.

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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