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Joseph Maynor

Have You Gotten To The Point Where You Are Excited To Take Your Life-purpose Actions Everyday?

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Where those have-to's have transformed into want-to's, and you pop-out of bed in the morning excited to start another day working on causing your dream-life to become a reality?

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor Nah.

You're not gonna get excited about emotional labour.

The vision is nice and all but it only serves you by not allowing you to quit.

There is some satisfaction in progress and once you see you've made an impact it for sure will get exciting but before that well it's just investment, bleeding and suffering. For the right cause.

You're not gonna be excited about hard honest work until you complete a full loop after which you get a deep satisfaction and meaningful reward.

It's like making bread. You need to do a LOT, labour the freaking fields, wait for 9 months, etc. until you can finally put it in your mouth and feed yourself.

Expect no excitement and treat it as a luxury.


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I've got a stage where I very much look forward to the time I spend on deliberately practicing the piano. However this took years of beating around the bush, getting lazy, being unmotivated, and just lacking a compelling vision for where I wanted to be as a pianist. The life purpose course really set me straight, and I really started working on the mastery process, and doing practice every day. Even still, it was labouring and difficult to firmly establish a 2 hour daily practice routine that actually progressed me.

The magic happened when I got creative with it. I set up a creative zone, by putting my piano keyboard in the corner with a nice lamp, and hanging up a bunch of photos that inspired my. I put up my ME sheet, my goals, pictures of my idols, some colouring in I did, a picture of my dog, and some cool photos I took. Now I love spending time here. I'm deeply inspired to practice even harder just by seeing the faces of my idols, and by going over my life purpose, values list, and goals. 'If I'm going to spend 2 hours in one place, I may as well make it fuckin groovy!' I thought. 

It's amazing how such simple little changes can make a world of difference. 

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