
Why Should I Create Art ?

12 posts in this topic

"What is the point of creating art ? Is it to make ourselves and others feel in a certain way ? 

 To inspire others ? 

  Why would I want to inspire others ?  So that they can create art which inspires others too ?  

  Should there be any reason for it ? Why should there be a reason ?     "                                                         

Sometimes I have thoughts like these when I want to create some art , like making a video ... 

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For me currently it's simply seeing it exist. It's also cool to see the feedback you get from others, what they think, if they like it, how you could improve etc. 

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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I'm an artist too. I do both digital and traditional art, on both my computer and on paper. Personally I believe the purpose of my art is to express myself, and show people the kind of stuffs I like. Whether people like it or give my any feedback really isn't anything I can control, so I tend not to think too much about it. As long I think I've put all my efforts on it, I'd give a "good job" to myself.

In a broader sense, you can be an artist without doing any "artsy" stuffs, like shooting videos, because your life is a piece of art in itself.

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I'd really like to become a good drawer, but I just don't know what to draw. 

Everytime I get an impulse "Ahh, why not draw now!" then I get my paper and pencil ready, and can't figure out what to draw.

Quite weird really :D 

In the past I've drawn tv show characters, and I was quite good at it, but now that I've almost cut out all entertainment, I have no inspiration anymore.


In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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15 minutes ago, Max_V said:

I'd really like to become a good drawer, but I just don't know what to draw. 

Everytime I get an impulse "Ahh, why not draw now!" then I get my paper and pencil ready, and can't figure out what to draw.

Quite weird really :D 

In the past I've drawn tv show characters, and I was quite good at it, but now that I've almost cut out all entertainment, I have no inspiration anymore.


Maybe get back on some entertainment that interest you, but just limit it to 1 hour per day.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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7 hours ago, Jonson said:

"What is the point of creating art ? Is it to make ourselves and others feel in a certain way ? 

 To inspire others ? 

  Why would I want to inspire others ?  So that they can create art which inspires others too ?  

  Should there be any reason for it ? Why should there be a reason ?     "                                                         

Sometimes I have thoughts like these when I want to create some art , like making a video ... 

There are as many reasons as there are artists. Each have their unique twist to that reason, even if it is simple a means to earn a living.

The reasons I like to be creative is the meditative aspect (focus over time) on what I am doing and wish to reveal. Secondly, to discover a new aspect of myself in terms of creativity; I often surprise myself as to what evolves in front of me. Also, my subconscious often is revealed within the artworks, and that can be sometimes a bit of a shock, yet it is a way of discovering your own truth.

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On 12/08/2017 at 9:14 PM, Max_V said:

I'd really like to become a good drawer, but I just don't know what to draw. 

Everytime I get an impulse "Ahh, why not draw now!" then I get my paper and pencil ready, and can't figure out what to draw.

Quite weird really :D 

In the past I've drawn tv show characters, and I was quite good at it, but now that I've almost cut out all entertainment, I have no inspiration anymore.


Draw plants, your family or friends, you can draw yourself in a mirror, go into a park or something and draw or draw the city. There's lots of things to draw if you think about it. 

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@ParanoidAndroid True but I don't really feel drawn to these things. I want to create something abstract and different.

I might just study on how monks look and draw them floating somewhere :D 

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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Just a plain personal reason to create art:

Every time I create art I'm getting in the flow. It's a wonderful feeling. Like meditation is for some people. But I'm more in the present moment by creating art than when I meditate. Perhaps it's my way of meditation? Others do long-distance running or extreme sports ...

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its not that you should find the reason you should make it
the art form that you create is an extension of you 
also the art does not have to be traditional art or something that we know as are whatever you creat out of creativity not productiveness cause creative stuff has to be something original and new  its equivalent as having a baby
although you can say screw all that and there is no meaning to that but so there is not meaning to life either thats why we chose personal development to make meaning

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@Max_V Sometimes when I want to create art on paper, I draw mandalas. I can just let the art happen on its own (well... with the help of a mathematical compass for perfect circles lol) it doesn't have to be envisioned completely in my mind beforehand, I just doodle designs and just let it happen.

     I create art to take a break from reality, or to cope with it, im not sure. It just makes me feel better when im sad, and I have something to show for my time spent.  <3

"it's all about love... making some else's existence just a little easier. Nothing else matters, I know this now."

-Terence McKenna
Last Words Interview

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Stories are my art form! I tell stories because I love it and it feels deeply fulfilling. There are so many "reasons" to create art but the simplest reason is for your own joy. I see art as the most direct way of self-expression! Art embodies freedom! I've been learning a lot about the true calling and life purpose and I feel like art embodies both purpose, calling, and self-expression. 

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