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Potential Dangers Of Enlightenment

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I was thinking about possible side effects of Enlightenment. Let's say with the "help" of his ego someone is repressing in himself the evil behaviors like killing, or maybe he is maniac or shit like that... His ego is programed in a way that these are evil and bad behaviors. Now let's say this person get's Enlightened - will he commit these crimes if he truelly wanted those? Leo was talking in one of his videos that after Enlightenment you start to do what you truelly want and desire. Who is that "you" if you never knew him, how would you know wether it will change you to the worse person - even if it is your true nature?

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1 hour ago, egoless said:

Who is that "you" if you never knew him, how would you know wether it will change you to the worse person - even if it is your true nature?

From our perspective an enlightened person may be a worse person, he may be crucified , stoned, killed by us but whatever an enlightened person do is a virtue.

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13 hours ago, egoless said:

I was thinking about possible side effects of Enlightenment. Let's say with the "help" of his ego someone is repressing in himself the evil behaviors like killing, or maybe he is maniac or shit like that... His ego is programed in a way that these are evil and bad behaviors. Now let's say this person get's Enlightened - will he commit these crimes if he truelly wanted those? Leo was talking in one of his videos that after Enlightenment you start to do what you truelly want and desire. Who is that "you" if you never knew him, how would you know wether it will change you to the worse person - even if it is your true nature?

First off, "good" and "bad" relative. Jesus was one of the most loving people to ever be alive but a whole bunch of people wanted him dead.

Second, you aren't yet conscious enough of why people tend to commit acts like murder. You're assuming that people's DEFAULT is to be mass murdering psychopaths and that only societal rules keep order.

I've found it's the exact opposite.

These societal rules largely had to be formed because of ego.

A human's default is actually love. It's the wounds and unconscious conditioning we receive growing up that take us away from that state. And that's why if you want to heal the planet, you have to heal yourself first.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@aurum are you sure about it? If our default state of being is love then it is truelly amazing! Then it really is worth to get Enlightened for every human being on our planet. But love is supposedly ego emotion as well no? Who feels that love if for "Enlightened person" there is no self to feel? 

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39 minutes ago, egoless said:

 are you sure about it? If our default state of being is love then it is truelly amazing!

It doesn't matter if I'm sure, it won't help you. Take time to think about it for yourself.

41 minutes ago, egoless said:

But love is supposedly ego emotion as well no? Who feels that love if for "Enlightened person" there is no self to feel? 

Who takes a shit if there is no-self to take a shit?

We're using relative language here. 

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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The most potential danger of enlightenment, or any other state, is to claim anything for self.

This claiming can be so subtle, yet so blinding, that a person claiming to be enlightened becomes so obviously ignorant to others but themselves.

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Enlightenment should make your behavior less antisocial, as a general rule.  But if someone is a nut, enlightenment or no enlightenment, anything is possible.  The reason your behavior becomes less antisocial is because you are more mindful and aware of reality and the consequences of your actions and the actions of others.  Practical morality still has pull after enlightenment.  These issues take a little groking to get the big picture right -- without it actually being a picture or theory.  You don't want to be too mechanical, but you do need to learn how to balance practical morality without clinging to rules.  This is subtle and takes a little experience to get right.  Be mindful of how you cling to beliefs and mindful of how you interpret beliefs.  Not being too mechanical with this, but not being nihilistic, is a delicate balance you need to use to guide your thoughts, behaviors, and actions in the moment -- without clinging to an irrelevant raft once a river is crossed.  We struggle with how to interpret thoughts basically, and what to make of them.  But the truly enlightened person doesn't throw the baby out with the bathwater regarding thought and knowledge.  He or she just sees the situation (is the situation actually) in the highest-consciousness way.  The magician knows all the plots and ploys of the magic-tricks.  But he also makes illusion his bread and butter, as do we.  What interests us are enjoying the magic-tricks, not a lame account of how fake they are.  We want to be titillated and entertained.  That's the spice of life, and there's nothing existentially bad with spices of life.  Enlightened people are not allergic to the spices of life.  He or she, again, just sees the situation (is the situation actually) in the highest-consciousness way. 

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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After my awakening this year I never had a moment in which I consciously tried to change my state of mind to achieve something. Meaning, in normal egoic non-integrated consciousness you often say to yourself "I should be more motivated right now", "I wanna get into this meditative state right now", "I should be x and y", and I've never done this no more. Not because I tried to not do it, but because it's not happening by itself. This automatically leads me to do most of the things I do without any thought at all. Cooking, speaking, working, reading, listening. It's just very empty inside. And sometimes I "wake up" in this emptiness and I don't even know what's happening because I'm so gone.

Now, if you naturally have some bad tendencies inside you I can see how you can do very, very much worse when enlightened. Just because there is no one to stop you any more. There is still your intuition to do that and it does it just as before for a normal person, but I think a good amount of normal people would very instantly go insane if enlightened ... and that's why they aren't.

We cannot take a world full of enlightened people with dumb intentions. That's why in Zen they discipline you rigorously before you have your enlightenment, so that you don't freak out. I think this is not discussed wide enough, because it's a bigger issue then you might think now. You have in most of your life time lived in a way in which you had a ton of emotions and thoughts going on every second of the day. If that is greatly reduced to silence, you won't have any reference to live in that world. And it takes time to get around here.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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3 hours ago, egoless said:

@aurum are you sure about it? If our default state of being is love then it is truelly amazing! Then it really is worth to get Enlightened for every human being on our planet. But love is supposedly ego emotion as well no? Who feels that love if for "Enlightened person" there is no self to feel? 

Love is what's left when there is no one inside.
What you think of is attachement, it's not the same, at all.

That's just words though, get the experience, just like anything else.
Get the experience, believing in it is useless if you don't actually do what's necessary.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin I am not trying to believe anything. I am not a believer and never was... I just want to intellectualy understand as precisely as possible  - what I am getting into with this Enlightenment journey.

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3 hours ago, egoless said:

@Shin I am not trying to believe anything. I am not a believer and never was... I just want to intellectualy understand as precisely as possible  - what I am getting into with this Enlightenment journey.

You're getting out :D

"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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2 minutes ago, sgn said:

You're getting out :D

Out of Matrix to Zion!

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45 minutes ago, egoless said:

Out of Matrix to Zion!

Except Zion is still in the Matrix :P

@egoless Chillax hommie, I wasn't attacking you ;)

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Just now, Shin said:

Except Zion is still in the Matrix :P


Whatever theory you have the main idea here is that Zion is metaphor for me for True, real existance.

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Not to sound flip or anything, but if you're enlightened and have to smoke somebody, it's God's will. :P

I would guess the chances of what you're describing happening are maybe one in a thousand, if not even rarer.

Edited by Haumea

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