Joseph Maynor

What's Missing From This List Of Daily Personal Development Practices?

31 posts in this topic

1.  Read lists of goals.  Short-range, mid-range, and long-range.
Goals need to be:
(1) Specific, crystal-clear.
(2) Big and compelling.
(3) Written down.
(4) Reviewed on a daily basis.
(5) Alligned with what you want.

2.  Implement accountability check-off calendar system.
3.  Use Solera Method.
4.  Use Visualization.
5.  Use Task Binder/ 5 Minute Rule.
6.  Work in Pomodoros/ block-time.
7.  Eat breakfast in am.
8.  Implement budget and update annually.
9.  Do gratitude exercise every day.
10.  Do optimism exercise.
11.  Practice positive-thinking.
12.  Practice negative visualization.
13.  Read mission-statement.
14.  Practice reading Yang readings.  (Works I have made for myself)
15.  Practice reading Yin readings.  (Works I have made for myself)
16.  Practice 30 mins of meditation in am.
17.  Exercise to and from work.
18.  Maintain a healthy diet and supplementation.
19.  Practice frugality.
20.  Drink smoothie in am.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Notice that becoming too mechanical with your habits actually promotes unconsciousness.

Scheduling every part of your day with productivity tasks and self-help techniques is not necessarily the way to go. For one thing, it's gonna be very hard to sustain.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I personally print list of habits similar to yours every month. I list them without order of importance, add bullets to the complex ones, color with blue the one most important habit that is prioritized, bold other habits and techniques that I would prefer to work on this month and add few more just in case if I have enough free time to work on something else. And I change this list every month to see what works, I choose what to add based Leo's list from "Start Here" post and intuition.

Maybe reading that will help you with your own stuff.

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@Girzo Yeah.  Just consider this a brainstorming session.  This is like a buffet of practices.  You don't have to do all of them.  

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All of my 18 months of better habits went out the window a little while ago...some shitty backsliding....but there is one thing I still prioritize that may be inadvertently on your list...but potentially deserves its own space...never "blocked in" appreciation and saturation in nature, and full enjoyment of present moments....

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11 minutes ago, Epiphany_Inspired said:

All of my 18 months of better habits went out the window a little while ago...some shitty backsliding....but there is one thing I still prioritize that may be inadvertently on your list...but potentially deserves its own space...never "blocked in" appreciation and saturation in nature, and full enjoyment of present moments....

Fer sure.  I walked through Golden Gate Park for years to get my nature fix.  I felt all my troubles melt away when I entered a little meadow and sat down on the grass and read a while.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Leo Gura Then what do you suggest Leo ?

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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@Joseph Maynor

A few doubts and questions. 

1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

3.  Use Solero method. 


What is the Solero method ? 

1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

7.  Eat breakfast in am.

I didn't quite get this. I mean it's obvious that we eat breakfast in morning. 

1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

12.  Practice negative visualization.

What is negative visualization. Never heard of this . 

1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

14.  Practice reading Yang readings.  (Works I have made for myself)
15.  Practice reading Yin readings. 

What are Yin and yang readings. Are these like quotes or mantras ?

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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@Joseph Maynor You should focus on 2 or 3 at a time. Don't be trying to do all of those things at once, it'll never work.

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@Loreena Negative visualization is a practice in stoicism that is made to create more gratitude in life by imagining how you could be much worse off. 

Other ideas.

1. Remembering your dream and interpreting it in the morning.

2. Reading a book. Especially a personal development one.

3. N Dual back — from HighIQPro to train your working memory. 

4. Contemplating on your progress and giving yourself feedback. What problems are there? What opportunities? 

5. Think of 10 ideas a day to practice your creative thinking. 

6. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy review of your day.

7. Practicing being aware of your emotions for the day to monitor it.

8. Being aware of certain strengths. How this manifests throughout the day and what else you can do about it — often using the list of VIA Strengths.

9. Training ability to deal with novelty by changing small to big areas in life — it could be as small as sitting in a different chair at the dinner table than you usually sit. It could reach a difference by taking a different route to work/school. It could be bigger like trying a new hobby. Etc. 

10. To contrast the above is to try to discipline yourself in small ways if you're the type who's too spontaneous in an impulsive manner. It could be as small as walking straight without moving from left to right or as frustrating as trying to sit on a chair without moving. I heard someone practiced discipline by staring at their favorite food and trying not to eat it for several minutes. 

11. Weekly to daily dose of deep ideas in life from different authors. I get a weekly email from the site Brainpickings. Or you can try watching from TED talks. Maybe even the best picks from Pocket. 

12. Muscle progression relaxation practice for less stress.

13. Hypnosis. 

14. I've tried using Leo's worksheet for developing intuition for several days straight once.

15. Shadow Work Practice for mental health.

16. Lateral thinking or logic puzzles for problem solving skills. 

17. Affirmation.

18. Noticing and questioning every paradigms and assumptions in life beliefs.


Edited by WaterfallMachine

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” 
― Socrates

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@Joseph Maynor The first thing I looked for was not on the list, that is to laugh at yourself.

You got to take yourself lightly. Have fun at your own ego expense. Use all your so-called mistakes and failures to make a joke about yourself. My friends love it, because it helps them too to face their fears of exposure and vulnerability. Much like that movie "In & Out" where some elderly women sit in a circle confessing their secrets and laughing about it.

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Yeah, the yin and yang readings are something that I compiled for myself.  They are writings that I read everyday.  They are a way for me to balance the forces of nature to harmonize with the Tao.  So I can dynamically balance my unicycle over uneven terrain and have right idea and right time so I can take right action.  

This video explains Negative Visualization



This video explains the Sedona Method



Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor Leo's post is true. I have noticed a strong need for getting all your ducks lined up in a row before you feel you got it under control. But there is ALWAYS a duck which will duck it and go off course. And what happens then, is all the controlled ducks behind it will follow off course too. They were too busy following the duck in front to see the bigger picture of what was going on (truth).

The fear behind this need for rigid steps-type control will break your resolve whenever the course changes. Accept accept accept is the key to "change". You CAN control the steering of your attitudes and open-mindedness by accepting the changes, and challenges (adapting), that present themselves.

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@Leo Gura What is the best way to structure a day?

When I do as @Joseph Maynor I miss many things but still gets most done but I feel like drowning, like always having something to catch up to and when I don't structure my day I feel like a lazy hippie wasting my time looking through my window :P 


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5 minutes ago, Visitor said:

@Joseph Maynor Leo's post is true. I have noticed a strong need for getting all your ducks lined up in a row before you feel you got it under control. But there is ALWAYS a duck which will duck it and go off course. And what happens then, is all the controlled ducks behind it will follow off course too. They were too busy following the duck in front to see the bigger picture of what was going on (truth).

The fear behind this need for rigid steps-type control will break your resolve whenever the course changes. Accept accept accept is the key to "change". You CAN control the steering of your attitudes and open-mindedness by accepting the changes, and challenges (adapting), that present themselves.

That's true.  I like to feel like I have something totally figured out.  In some situations it's good and in some situations it backfires on me.

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There needs to be a balnace between flexibility and rigidity / order.

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Routine/Repetition is not the answer, a wise man once said: Routine is the biggest killer. :P

Just be like a feather in the wind and everything will play itself our naturally.


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There is no one answer for how to structure your day. It all depends on your personality type and what you're trying to accomplish.

Some people's personality type loves rigid rules and order.

Some people's personality type loves freedom and spontaneity.

You're gonna have to experiment with various structures to find your sweet spot. And even then, depending on what stage of the journey you're on, you will need different structures.

Personally, I'm at my best when I'm very spontaneous and totally free. But it's not easy to strike the right balance because business requires some rigid rules.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura  Do you use any special techniques tto get more productive on any day  of the week ?

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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