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Boost Estrogen Levels

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Which are the best (natural) ways of boosting estrogen levels? Thanks!

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Why do you want to boost your estrogen levels? 

People, men an women, already get a lot of extra fake estrogen in there system trough BPA, plastics, tap water which contains traces of birth control etc. 

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Mood and skin issues mainly. When my levels are down I have skin problems (extremely dry and it literally cracks open which can be quite painful).

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@Michael569 I have tried pretty much everything there is for the skin. The problem is from within. Also treating the gut is not enough.

I have had my levels checked and all the doctors want to give me are hormonal pills which I refuse. There must be a more natural way without side effects.

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@Annie from what I know acne in women can be because of higher then average testosterone levels in women. 

I know/have known women who had this. 

From what I have heard sometimes the birth control pills can reduce acne. 

Also there is some sort of vitamin A treatment or something, I forgot the name, but it sounds pretty intense. I believe it has varied levels of success depending on the person. 

Honestly when it is not too severe I would suggest just wearing some extra make-up and otherwise just accepting the fact. 

That's what I told my girlfriend. She has some acne in her 30s but I honestly don't really care. She is pretty anyways and you don't notice it at all with a little make-up. I am not sure if in her case she has higher testosterone levels, but I don't think that's necesairly a bad thing, because it makes the woman more of a freak ? 

Honestly self love is most important in this case I think. I am sure you got plenty of other attractive qualities and features. 


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@SFRL Thanks for your words. I don't have acne. And I don't wear make-up. I don't really care what my skin looks like anymore nor do I care what others think. The only reason I'm looking for something is because it can be very painful sometimes. The skin on my finger joints literally cracks open when my estrogen levels are low and when it's very severe I can barely touch anything without being in constant pain. I do use oils and lotions to lubricate the skin but by far it's not enough. That may treat it but doesn't cure it. I don't need something that covers up I need something that fixes the problem at its core. As I said before, the problem is from within and I am looking for natural ways of boosting estrogen levels because this cracking of the skin only happens when my levels are low.

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@Annie I am sorry I have never heard of that. 

I did some Google search and I found some information here:

Also it seems GNC has supplements to boost estrogen. 


I also think I read an article not too long ago that claimed that a diet very high in fiber could lead to a removal of a lot of androgen hormones like testosterone as well as estrogen. So my reasoning is that maybe I you eat a diet very high in fiber that could damage your hormone levels. But that's just an educated guess and speculation on my part. 

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Flax-seed has the biggest amount of phytoestrogens so if you are not prone to breast cancer, give it a try.

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Doesn't soy raise the estrogen levels? I think in the book "Whole 30" they talk about it specifically. And that's the reason you are not supposed to eat soy products while on this/Paleo diet.

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