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How To Start? Need A Good Advice!

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Okey, so I have always wanted to be self employed, and I started a marketing agency around two years ago before i got employed by a pretty decent agency. Now my entrepreneurial genes are taking over and the urge to get self employed is like a fire inside me. 

My passion is quite in line with the topics of, but also focused on nutrition, proper diet, exercise. I'm planning on starting a little side-hustle where I blog about different topics to gain a following and later my dream is to start a web-shop with a product line of things like meditation pillows, yoga-mats, matcha-tea etc.

My question is what is the best way to start? Im Norwegian and should I write in Norwegian? Should I narrow my topics, and later write on broader topics? I.e : Sleep, diet for sleep, environmental changes for best sleep - or Meditation, philosophy, diet.

Should everything be blog format, or should I have own pages for the most important topics? For SEO work and landing pages for ads?
I.e for overall information site and to meditate for a blog post only about how to meditate.



Also, should I start a personal blog? Or a own brand?

Edited by SimonH

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I would strongly advise you to do Leos Life Purpose Course, he basically covers all your questions. It is impossible for anyone of us to give you solid advice. You need lots of inner work to determine exactly what it is you want to put out there and if you know that, all your questions like language, medium, topic will be answered

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@SimonH Market yourself.

Imagine someone, exactly like yourself, coming to you with the exact question of how to start. Since you already know about marketing research, targeting clients, and promoting, it ought to be easy to get started.


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@SimonH you are asking questions that need to be replied by you only. Realise that everybody is wired differently. 

Start a journaling habit and put your thoughts on a piece of paper. Alternatively, work with Life Coach. He/she may help you find the answer you are looking for not by giving it to you but by guiding you so that you find it yourself. 

Good luck!

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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