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Leo's Blogpost "hitting Rock Bottom"

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So I just read Leos latest blogpost. And it gave me an instant flashback. 

Leo, you took mushrooms! Right? ?

I was actually planning on a psychedelic trip next weekend. But maybe the flashback from reading that post was already enough for me at this point. 

I know it again. I feel it again. It is that always repeating pattern of forgetting the psychedelic experience again only to find myself in it again to remember what cannot possibly be remembered. 

Anyone feels the same way? I mean for me it feels like once I am in that state and I am the one and the world stopped existing, there is no difference between the world actually existing or not. 

At least on shrooms it feels like you are sliding down that infinite string of experience for infinity. Never actually hitting rock bottom. Never getting back to reality either. But craving it so much. Only to suddenly be back, without knowing how you did it. Feeling more alive and blissful than you have ever been. Crying in tears on the beauty of being alive.

Hope you are okay Leo ?

Edited by Lauritz

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While reading that blog post, I thought of the Ouroboros. 



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Leo's blogpost kept me from working all day. His writing triggered my godhood realisations from various trips and contemplation. I couldn't find any reason to do anything anymore and just sat there in aww and bliss. Now I'm back to my personhood. It's fun.

In the end enlightenment is a "wishless" state of not knowing. Maybe there comes a point where you go like, "okay the spirituality thing, that's that. Now let me just enjoy what I apparently created for myself right here right now. Oh, look a brezel and a beer. Prost!"

Edited by No-Thing

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I was thinking about his post and it reminded me of this quote 

“If it is a miracle, any sort of evidence will answer. But if it is a fact, proof is necessary. ” - Mark Twain

Memento Mori

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The post brings up an interesting question, that is, how do you even know when you've hit rock bottom?  Is it the "turning inside out" that finally confirms that you've traveled the full cycle?

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Now I understand why most enlightened masters say nothing at all.

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

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6 hours ago, Lauritz said:


Anyone feels the same way? I mean for me it feels like once I am in that state and I am the one and the world stopped existing, there is no difference between the world actually existing or not. 

At least on shrooms it feels like you are sliding down that infinite string of experience for infinity. Never actually hitting rock bottom. Never getting back to reality either. But craving it so much. Only to suddenly be back, without knowing how you did it. Feeling more alive and blissful than you have ever been. Crying in tears on the beauty of being alive.



Thats exactly how it felt to me on 4g of mushrooms haha

the afterglow was one of the best feelings i ever had, just blissed out of being here now :)

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As a shrooms user, this post sounded very familiar. But honestly, I dont see much use in talking or writing like that, Its like describing a painting to a blind person. 

One Line caught my eye: "Meditation? lol"

Thats what I feel like since a couple of months. There is no real need to keep on actively meditating at a certain point. I still do sittings here and there, but most of the time, I go into a meditative state during everyday activities anyway. 

Edited by Franz

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Thanks Leo for your reply :D

For my part I can say, I enjoy reports of his personal experiences. 

Actually I do not feel there is much difference to other videos where he teaches on a specific topic.

He creates a lot of value both ways. 

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