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Extreme Z7

Rationalist Wiki Criticizes "other Ways Of Knowing"

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I think the article linked above really presents a good example of how closed-minded rationalism really puts your head so far up your ass that you're not able to discover anything new beyond the paradigm you've locked yourself into.

It presents an entire list that the writers think rationalists simply shouldn't touch just because they're "not scientific".

Some of the items on the list really are likely to be hokey. But other things they listed actually turn out to be very valid ways to explore reality like:

  • Meditation
  • Psychedelics
  • Ancient Spiritual Scripture (at least if you actually truly understand what they talk about)
  • Intuition
  • Contemplation of one's life
  • Studying The Philosophies of Tribalistic Societies
  • Shamanic Journeying
  • Epiphany

But of course none of these things have anything to do with rationality or logic so they must be false! Contemplating my life and inner emotions? Nah! That's pansy New Age woo woo shit. I'd rather waste my time being lost in thought.

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I agree with the article for the intent of it.

But I also agree with you, the ways you mentioned are completely valid for obtaining some form of information or knowledge.

It's rational Wiki, what did you expect?

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Well meditation has scientific effects as well so they could still be technically open minded to try that. But they're just using rationalism as a cover for something I'd imagine.

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