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Joseph Maynor

When Is The Last Time You Have Had A Defining Moment?

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The defining moment is that point in a project you're working on when you feel like giving up, quitting, or dropping it.  All the excuses you have to quit a project and go back to the status quo.  Successful people lean-in to those defining moments.  You can do a re-frame here.  Say, "this is exactly what happens to a lower-self person, a person who afraid of advancing outside of their comfort-zone."  Remember your life-purpose reason why you are doing this project.  This is the time you need to be getting excited!  This is where you are winning!  You are succeeding!  You are pushing yourself, you are growing.  If you had a 5% chance to make it though and you did it -- then there is something there that was exceptional that you did that is rare and excellent.  If you really want it, then you should stick with it.  Decide to be different.  This is the defining moment.  


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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I love this @Joseph Maynor ....I wish I could say I've had a *project based* defining moment recently, but I can't....that said....I had a defining moment yesterday...and another one the Monday before...and so on....I mean this in the sense that: in my struggle to create certain drastic, positive, life transformations, I've had to stand up to some hardcore threshold guardian types and such....I guess what makes these events defining is the the knowledge of the choices we have....for example, it would have been much easier for me to back down, to remain silent, or to speak from a place other than my truth and integrity....what seems to make it defining for me, is quite similar to what you making the choice to press forward through bullshit so thick it chokes you, with a torch of illumination, and a truth incantation, you come through the moment with an elevated resonance, a purified heart, and a renewed strength...regardless of the outcome...perhaps....just having that drive is worth any costs of the challenge....or something...

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