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Lord Bwyra

Crypto Currencies And The Future Of Money

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Any crypto investors/traders on these forums?

On July 17 I decided to finally invest in bitcoin and other alt coins. I don't like the idea of "making money" when it comes to business but in the world of stocks and investing, making money is the name of the game. I decided to take this seriously and use it to fund my future lifestyle. All my relatives and friends think I've finally lost it but what the hell do they know right? They worship the status quo and think this is all a big hustle and con. They would rather invest in Facebook or forex or some other FIAT crap which I believe has no future.

My total investement so far is about 560€ and in the 19 days since I've already made 250€ which is not bad for a beginner. And I haven't really done any margin trading yet which I'm still learning about. I'm gonna start on monday and I think I can make some daily profits if I do it right since the currencies are so volatile. Just gotta ride the waves.

I'm using Kraken for my online wallet, Poloniex for trading and Electrum for my computer wallet.

The beauty of trading in Poloniex is that it's all done with Bitcoin which means that all your capital is going up with an extra boost as long as your investments either stay neutral or prevail. Why? Because bitcoin is going up up and more up. This cannot be said for traditional stock markets because FIAT currencies suffer inflation if you let them sit in a bank account somewhere.

I wish I would've started earlier this year and even a few years ago when many friends told me about it. Of course I didn't listen to them because I was focused on other shit. I could've been a millionaire by now, easily.

The times are changing friends. This is some badass new technology that is happening in the world of money and economics so i suggest you educate yourself and get on board. At least buy a bitcoin or two and store it away. In a few years you could be very wealthy. I personally think that in the next 10 years the crypto currencies will take over and those who get in on it now will be financially secure for life.

As far as I know, the best strategy right now is to grow basic bitcoin capital and then buy some of the top alt coins like ripple, litecoin, ethereum, nem, monero and let those investments grow. Once you have that, you can start making your daily bread with the margin trading (or use those to build your long term investments, which is what I'm doing now).

I'm still a learning the ropes but would be happy to share what I have learned so far with anyone who is interested. And if you have more experience and insights or other investment tips regarding this, please share.

I'm gonna become a crypto millionaire or die trying :)

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9 minutes ago, Lord Bwyra said:

FIAT currencies

Bitcoin is a fiat currency as well. I am personally not interested in making profits with trading but I'm excited about the possibilities such technologies could bring as a change in the world regarding politics.

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@Toby It has some similar characteristics yes in the sense that it is not backed by any hard assets. But since it's not controlled or supplied or authorized by government, I don't think it's accurate to think of it as a traditional fiat currency. I suppose there are different ways to look at it. Some even call bitcoin "digital gold".

But even gold is worthless these days. You can't pay for flights or coffee with it. So it's perceived worth is just like FIAT or cryptos; totally arbitrary and based on a value agreement between those that use it.

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