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Open/free Mindfulness Event In The Blue Cliff Monastery (new York)

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the blue cliff monastery was estabilished by the great master thich nhat hanh.

there will be an open event this sunday. unfortunately, i live in brazil. but that's the kind of event that i wouldn't miss if it happened near me.

here's the link for the event.

an opportunity to work your ass off for real and step out of the mental masturbation.

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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Mental masturbation? I get the reference but it doesn't really fit the words.

I'm in Europe, sadly i can't attend it either. :P

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Funny that I was living like 50km from one of his monasteries but I was never really called to go there or attend when he had talks there or nearby. But overall I still like him. Great guy. Did a lot for emerging spiritual teachings in the western world.

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On 05/08/2017 at 0:52 PM, ajasatya said:

the blue cliff monastery was estabilished by the great master thich nhat hanh.

there will be an open event this sunday. unfortunately, i live in brazil. but that's the kind of event that i wouldn't miss if it happened near me.

here's the link for the event.

an opportunity to work your ass off for real and step out of the mental masturbation.

What does mental masturbation means ?

How does it feel ?

Can you describe it ?

Can I get it ?

If yes how ?

Is it good or bad ?

Is it real or is it bullshit ?




@ajasatya I know, that was supposed to be funny xD

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin mental masturbation is thinking about enlightenment and not having the attitude to step outside and open the chest to life.

it's seeking so much that there's no time left to find anything.

i've been there and i needed people to shake me up so i could get out of it. that's why i advise people to live up.

unborn Truth

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22 hours ago, Shin said:

I know, that was supposed to be funny

oh wow, i could not grasp your meta joke in time haha.

im feeling pretty tired. the ayahuasca ceremony was incredible last night. haven't slept much yet.

unborn Truth

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