
Understanding Absolute Infinity

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@egoless The problem you're having here with understanding "how" the truth is grasped is because you're forgetting the possibility that you ARE the truth. Absolute Truth is not something you know or experience or intuit or prove. It's too Absolute for all such relative and limited methods. You must BECOME it. By literally becoming it, it is you, with no separation. Being knows itself by being itself. Being is being.

The most direct proof of truth is not a proof at all, it's a tautology:

A = A

Even that is too indirect! It's more like just: A

You do not look upon the truth or grasp it with your mind. YOU BECOME IT. This mode of "knowing" is unknown to you because you've never experienced it before. And because our culture does not recognize that it is possible. Which is why this stuff is mostly just talked about in Zen monasteries and the like.

Absolute Truth just IS. It's like a global constant in a computer program, which permeates every possible thing, and accessible all the time. YOU ARE IT RIGHT THIS SECOND. You're just not aware you are it. Because it is nothing, but you are attached to "somethingness".

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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There's a huge problem with being paradigm-locked in the rationalist paradigm trying to understand the Absolute.  Make sure you kick away the theory and just be the Absolute, be God.  Enlightenment is about being the Truth, not understanding the truth.  There is no right theory of enlightenment, they're all stories.  You can't communicate being, you gotta be being.  Be the higher self and God simultaneously.  Like 2 sides of the same coin -- reality has no distinctions.  Talking about enlightenment is like engaging in metaphorical dancing – it mindlessly amuses itself at cross-purposes to the Truth.  God laughs at our beliefs masquerading as the Truth.  Similar to quietly and nervously chuckling at a naive child enthusiastically communicating some half-baked insight.  It don't work like that kid, we snort internally.  

The lesson I get from Leo's video "Understanding Absolute Infinity Volume 1" is the stupidity of trying to conceptualize the Absolute.  Really, all that video does is give massive reasons why not to try and do this.  That was my ultimate takeaway.  I had to watch that video like 4 or 5 times to get that.  Reality is arational.  The rational mind will never conceptualize reality.   It's overconfidence to the insane degree.  It's like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole.  Concepts and enlightenment don't like each other at all.  But then all concepts are part of reality too, so enlightenment does, in part, have a conceptual component, a paradoxical result.  Saying it doesn't would pooh-pooh the importance of theory in enlightenment, which is like ignoring the purple elephant sitting on your couch.  How many enlightened people never studied any enlightenment theory?  [crickets]  Note: The distinction between conceptual and non-conceptual is also a dichotomy, a story.  

The theory canoe bridges the stream, but must be left on the opposite shore once the stream is safely crossed.  Utilize the theory, but take great care not to cling to it too tightly or to identify with it too much.  That's the key.  Dynamic balance is the key.  I like stories too, but learn to see through them for what they really are -- and that's what enlightenment is really all about!   

Enlightenment doesn't mean judging theory or tossing theory.  It means becoming higher-conscious about what theory is existentially.  Theory is not bad, what is bad is the way that we cling to and interpret theory.  The true sage accumulates a vast amount of theory and knowledge, and he applies this wisdom in his life and embodies it.  But he also knows theory's limitations and its true nature, and he knows how to dynamically cling to and release theory like a masterful unicyclist confidently navigating an uneven and uncertain path.  So, the dichotomy of theory being good or bad is really low-conscious and stupid.  It's conceptual, do you see that?  It's a brain-fart of the rationalist paradigm.  Here's the bottom line: Use and believe in theory freely, but don't become addicted to it and don't cling too tightly to it.

Even this "advice" is a story.  See?  God laughs at this like an embarrassed parent witnessing their child make a huge spectacle. 

Video on point:


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Leo Gura I understand you: Enlightenment and The Truth is not a theory to be prooven it just is the Ultimate Truth - I am it and I need to become aware of myself. And sincere intent to know this Truth must be initial inertia for me to Start this journey right?  But how did you stay Leo after becoming aware of this Truth? How do you continue to do Leo's everyday stuff? And one very important question for my self enquiry process - please answer that even if you think it is My ego asking it. Are there many egos like yours and other's within Nothingness or is it just "my" ego?

Edited by egoless

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

A = A

"I Am that I Am."

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7 hours ago, egoless said:

But how did you stay Leo after becoming aware of this Truth? How do you continue to do Leo's everyday stuff?

That's the beauty of Absolute Truth. The Absolute is none other than the Relative.

Form is formlessness. Formless is form. The Absolute is not anything other than what's in your direct experience right this second. But it's also none of it.

This very sentence you're reading right now is Absolutely Infinite. And also Relative.

There are many illusions of separation (egos) within Nothingness. Like vortexes within one pool of water.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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45 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's the beauty of Absolute Truth. The Absolute is none other than the Relative.

Form is formlessness. Formless is form. The Absolute is not anything other than what's in your direct experience right this second. But it's also none of it.

This very sentence you're reading right now is Absolutely Infinite. And also Relative.

There are many illusions of separation (egos) within Nothingness. Like vortexes within one pool of water.

@Leo Gura Great timing for me to be hearing these words. I've re-awakened today after a bit of a slumber. Thanks to Az also. I see all of it perfectly clear now. It opened up like the sun has come out. Everything is here now. It forever rests in it's completeness.

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@Leo Gura this is amazing Leo! I somehow feel so relieved to hear that there are many egos and not only "mine". I realise that this might be my ego talking here but existance of multiple egos does not "feel as lonely" as it would be otherwise. I know that this relief is bad and it is my ego battling to "save" itself... If you could compare awakening to one feeling what it would be? Loneliness, happiness, pure love or what? Do our egos have free will?

Edited by egoless

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@egoless Of course, you conceptually create and cling to "others" to keep from realizing that you are all alone. God has no one but itself to play with. But God doesn't feel lonely either.

Awakening is a good word for it. It's like dying but with a happy ending. You wake up from "life" and realize it was just a dream the whole time. And you laugh. Life, physical reality, and history were never real. Just a magic trick.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@egoless Of course, you conceptually create and cling to "others" to keep from realizing that you are all alone. God has no one but itself to play with. But God doesn't feel lonely either.

Awakening is a good word for it. It's like dying but with a happy ending. You wake up from "life" and realize it was just a dream the whole time. And you laugh. Life, physical reality, and history were never real. Just a magic trick.

Even though you always repeat that the Truth is paradoxical for human logic - this is the most logical explanation of the reality I have ever heard of. I fully agree that this explains everything on my intellectual level. Why do I "understand" this so logically? Do our egos have free will Leo? Or they just "fill" each other to creat absolutely every possibility. Why does reality feel exactly as "my" ego and not "Leo's" ego for "me"?

Edited by egoless

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@Leo Gura Leo! At this very moment after I wrote last message. I think I had crack into awaking! I have headache after I came from party... I closed my eyes and "looked closely" where this headache actually goes. First it felt like to the brain. But I looked very closely and it actually felt like it goes infinitely nowhere and "Me" is behind the curtains of this illusion... unexplained force of energy and goosebumps run through my whole body. I opened eyes and I was shocked it literally continued roughly for one minute. After that everything suddenly began to fade away... what was that??? Is there any way I can make it permanent?

Edited by egoless

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I am doing self enquiry here. When I ask who I am My ego somehow links it to the brain or pineal gland. Can someone hint or "remind" me why my true self can't be that?

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19 minutes ago, egoless said:

I am doing self enquiry here. When I ask who I am My ego somehow links it to the brain or pineal gland. Can someone hint or "remind" me why my true self can't be that?

Watch this from the 14 minute mark, it should answer your question. 



-1/12 is Infinity 

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35 minutes ago, Dodo said:

Watch this from the 14 minute mark, it should answer your question. 



Can you link or pm me the videos which had the most profound effects on your self enquiry?

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51 minutes ago, egoless said:

Can you link or pm me the videos which had the most profound effects on your self enquiry?

I can give you teachers, you can watch as many videos as you need:

Rupert Spira, Mooji, Leo and recently Bentinho.

Oh, and of course.. Ekhart Tolle!

And Ramana Maharshi, don't know how I forgot :D@egoless

I like this one I just found if you cant find any short mooji vids. But I love watching entire satsangs too, its lovely. @egoless 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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11 minutes ago, Dodo said:

I can give you teachers, you can watch as many videos as you need:

Rupert Spira, Mooji, Leo and recently Bentinho.

Oh, and of course.. Ekhart Tolle!

Yeah I have followed Leo for very long time. He introduced to me the journey of Enlightenment and I am very grateful for that! I call leo Morpheus :) I recently discovered Rupert Spira and Ekhart Tolle. Their understanding is beyond any intellectual level... they together with Leo are truely amazing teachers! 

P.S. I will definitely check mooji teachings

Edited by egoless

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@Leo Gura 5-Meo-DMT is not an unknown psychedelic - so how can it be that scientists are, as you essentially say, ignorant of the drug, if reality will become so obvious to them if they take it? Has no scientist taken it? And why would it then be so hard to convince other scientists to take it? 

Additionaly, I've seen some writings on other forums from people who have taken this drug, and they explain that they get a feeling of dying, but often they don't talk about Absolute Truth.

So does this mean that Absolute Truth needs interpretation to be understood? But according to you, that's not how it was supposed to be, right? The Truth, as I have understood it, involves complete nonthinking, which means no interpretations, yet still, many who take the drug don't understand that the Truth is what is revealed?

Edited by Edvard

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Can someone who had awaken can tell me what are the signs? How will I know that I crack into it or did awake?

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8 hours ago, Edvard said:

@Leo Gura 5-Meo-DMT is not an unknown psychedelic - so how can it be that scientists are, as you essentially say, ignorant of the drug, if reality will become so obvious to them if they take it? Has no scientist taken it? And why would it then be so hard to convince other scientists to take it? 

Additionaly, I've seen some writings on other forums from people who have taken this drug, and they explain that they get a feeling of dying, but often they don't talk about Absolute Truth.

So does this mean that Absolute Truth needs interpretation to be understood? But according to you, that's not how it was supposed to be, right? The Truth, as I have understood it, involves complete nonthinking, which means no interpretations, yet still, many who take the drug don't understand that the Truth is what is revealed?

Scientists are a very dogmatic bunch. Their loyalty is to the mind, not to Absolute Truth. Scientists balk at anything "mystical", paradoxical, or ineffable.

5-MeO-DMT will destroy the entire scientific paradigm. It's also very difficult to make sense of without having studied lots of philosophy, epistemology, and nonduality.

5-MeO-DMT literally kills you. It's not easy to convince anyone to go through that process when their entire life is designed around not dying. It's even hard to convince enlightened people to take 5-MeO. Realistically, you're never going to take 5-MeO unless you're a serious truth-seeker already. Hell, I rarely want to take it myself. It's just too big of a mind fuck for most people to handle.

Psychedelics don't work on ignorant people. They require proper use and interpretation. An ignorant person will just use psychedelics in an ignorant way. Like a monkey trying to use a computer. Just by giving a monkey a computer doesn't make him Bill Gates.

The Absolute Truth needs no interpretation in theory. But in practice, your mind will try to make sense of it somehow. How you make sense of it will vary widely by individual. And Absolute Truth isn't one thing. It has many layers to it. Very few people in the world have penetrated the deepest layers. Many so called "enlightened people" have really just scratched the surface. They have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes. And even 5-MeO doesn't go to the deepest levels from what I gather.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

...even 5-MeO doesn't go to the deepest levels from what I gather.

Do I sense a future video topic?  Please... :) 


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