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"who's" On First?

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I have these two skits that make clear distinctions of: stuck positions, staying stuck in concepts or even thoughts, talking to someone with awareness and talking to someone without awareness, the importance of making tons of distinctions and perspectives and how the distinctions you make shape the world you see.

This will help show you where awareness happens, from stepping out of the finite into the infinite and getting a grasp on the holistic perspective or stepping out of Costello's perspective (the guy on the left).  

Who’s on first? It’s easier to say “Who’s” on first. One could make that distinction easier. Consider “who” to be the absolute --the thing that is presented as a finite thing (when I say finite I mean the label that shows up in your mind or even external reality.) and the separate distinction “” to be the awareness or even infinity ( again, just labels). In this case you could say that this “” is another distinction, which it is, but this is where the mistake shows up. Cause how do we describe this “”? Well, we can call them quotation marks, creating another distinction or punctuation marks, yet another distinction and we can keep doing this, make more and more “accurate” distinctions etc. But instead of going in that direction, let’s bring it back to it’s form “”. So we have these quotation marks. We could boil it down to deeper definitions and continue down that road, but that would be missing the meta awareness here, if we did this we would be Costello in this case ( the guy on the left), So what is this “”? Well, it can’t actually be described.  BY DEFINITION (or absolutely,finitely, descriptively, visibly) Any descriptions of it MAKES it into a finite thing, which it itself is not. It’s the difference in you opening your eyes and seeing the world and then closing them and seeing nothing (I’m not even talking about blackness or even the label “nothing”) it’s so NOT A THING it’s completely spontaneous. And this “making” is for a different discussion.

"There is no you. you are everything." This quote could give one leverage to step out of their position into a more holistic position. But of course, it's still a position, and I think continuing doing this process could really help one break free from their finite nature.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! If you didn't understand anything well hopefully you enjoyed the videos haha :) 

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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One night I was walking down a hill to the local shop. I could see the pathway and the single light of the shop. Suddenly my usual self-perception vanished and I realized I was nothing but an organism. I felt like Frankenstein trying to walk towards a single light source. The light was no longer a shop, but just a beam of light which entered the eye, triggering a signal to the brain.

This was one of many wake-up calls.

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@Visitor Yep that's it. It's like watching a dog morph into a cat, except you don't see it morph. You just all of a sudden see it as a cat. Completely spontaneous. 

Memento Mori

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