
The Garden Of Eden

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I want to build the garden! I'm no spiritual freak or religious nut, but I've always have wondered what it would be like to own the garden of EDEN! I really feel like it's more then possible to re create the description that was so much mentioned in the book of GOD lol Still i know i can and will because well, i have built my small scale version last year (2015) and have a ton of experience simply cause I was cursed (really a blessing) to grow up in a gardening family :) 


This is one(out of Literally 5,000 or so) of my Watermelon Patch! They where so good and awesome, i had more then i could want or need! I eat one each and every single day for the entire season! 

I had true abundance, not many people get to experience this type of pleasure, for they miss identify with it or mislabel the entire process. Yet i have a feeling it's the closest thing to god there is lol... but still I KNOW NOTHING :)


I hope one day i  more of this, because even though i had abundance, i had limiting beliefs that prevented me from sky rocketing my garden towards the business world aspect. I made what i put in. That was all that truth is, you get what you put in, it's equal and balanced. This may be what is truth but i still feel like it's a very limited piece of truth. 

Anyways... I wish to build a good sustainable garden in my life, and that is my overall purpose in life. Maybe one day i'll be the OWNER of EDEN! lol 

But until then, I will be writing and hopefully getting some awesome replies! 

Edited by VividReality

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No matter what path, dive deep and you`ll experience truth!

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Where do you live? This looks so amazing.

Last year I also tried to grow some plants on my own. But because I didn't worked enough in my little patch snails and rabbits ate a lot of the salad, beet roots and carrots. This year I will definitely care more about my plants.

I have a dream of growing all my food on my own and living autarkic. But I think that might be very time consuming. Maybe I'll enjoy gardening this year so much, that I will spend more time doing it. How much time do you spend in the garden?

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Quantum! I live in Washington Near Moses Lake. It's really the middle of the dessert. 

Last year was amazing! Like i said i was blessed with growing up in a gardening family, but all the garden will do, at least from my perspective, is allow you to survive. I had all the veggies i could ever want! Carrots, Beats, Green Bean, Watermelon, Zucchini, Peppers (a variety of them) including Green Bell, Red bell, Jalapenos, and many more, red tomato, and tomatillo, Corn, and much more! 


We ran into some problems ourselves as well, but we managed, yet we aren't going to be able to make the garden this year... but i plan on raising the capital needed to start it again next year!


I really want to make a living from Gardening... i feel like it's the best and most awesome way to live life, yet i understand ITS A SHIT TON OF WORK!


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Very innovative sir  =)

Never have I seen anyone attempt to do this, or at least heard of it, nonetheless it seems to be very rare. I like your line of thinking

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Gardening is something that I will get into. If I could just go out in the garden water my plants every day after meditation, then after a few months pick my own veggies and make some great food. That would be really really cool. And then I can say for sure this is healthy, organic and blabla. Some of my friends will probably be like "you could have just gone to the store", but then I'll be like this is way more fun than going to the store.


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@VividReality man, this is one of those pure, honest, excel face of Art if you ask me, way to go and keep up to your dreams, visions if you may.

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