Joseph Maynor

With Enlightenment Do You See The Paradox Of Feeling Like You Have Total Control And Feeling Like You Have No Control?

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Curious.  Don't give me some kosher bs theory answer.  Look within to answer.  I'm starting to resist the theory more and more; the dogma.

Am I God, am I a pissant?  Am I superior to both and neither?  Am I inferior to both and neither?  How can I attach any trait to me good or bad?  

Am I glory or nothingness?  Bigness or smallness?  Strength or weakness?  Purposeful or purposeless?  Necessary or random?

A great video on point.


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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There's no need for admission of control at all. What is IS and there doesn't need to be an ego telling itself what IS and what is not, although it likes to. This is not the answer either, and neither will anyone else's whoever decides to comment. Your avoidance of "kosher bs theory" assumes there's true theory or even "more true" theory and there isn't. There is in the sense of me maybe triggering you into waking the fuck up but that's basically it, thats really all anyone can ever do for you. In fact, thats all anyone is doing on this forum, we're all just trying to wake each other up, at least when it comes to these topics.  



Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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2 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Am I God, am I a pissant?  Am I superior to both and neither?  Am I inferior to both and neither?  How can I attach any trait to me good or bad?

Am I glory or nothingness?  Bigness or smallness?  Strength or weakness?  Purposeful or purposeless?  Necessary or random?

give up already. enlightenment is not for you. stop trying to define yourself. so much of you already.

if you want enlightenment, then erase your self-image. let go of this neediness.

i think you need a zen master who's able to hit you in the head.

unborn Truth

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1 hour ago, ajasatya said:

give up already. enlightenment is not for you. stop trying to define yourself. so much of you already.

if you want enlightenment, then erase your self-image. let go of this neediness.

i think you need a zen master who's able to hit you in the head.

it is necessary for him to use the mind to its limits, he will naturally come to enlightenment when he will see that he's out of moves, with his mind

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@Joseph Maynor

The ego has no control, it only creates the illusion of control by attaching to thoughts.  Thoughts are made out of meaning and meaning is illusory because existentialy there is nothing behind meaning.  So... control makes sense only to the ego.

The other thing is if your aware.  If your aware of awarness than you can act arationaly. Than if you want you can attribute an illusory interpretation that it was due to control.  But actually it wasn't.  It was just because awarness was more aware of awarness which is very different from the notion of control.

Within the illusion of control there is an assumption that you(ego) has a total control of the whole process in which your engaging. It's basically an assumption that ego is the driving force of your life. It thinks that he has total control over the forces of nature without realizing that it is a byproduct of the forces of the nature.

If your stuck in the illusion of control you might say something like: I Will be focused for 8 hours on reading this book without an interruption. But you also at the same time know that yesterday and 10 years prior to that you haven't done anything like that. But because your stuck in this illusion you assume like it's gonna happen and you Will be in control of the whole process. Than after a few hours the reality strikes. Your consciousness becomes more aware that the body needs food. This hunger persist and you can't concentrate anymore, than you give up and say to yourself "ohhh, I Will do it tomorrow, now I need to eat because I'm hungry" or for example  a thought pops as "I would love to chech forum now and than you check it".  That happened not because you were in total control but because your subconscious is much more powerful than your conscius intentions.

In reality it's consciousness that is the driving force. So if you want total "control" be aware, but it Will be emotionally very difficult at the beginning. You Will feel like burning on fire. Trough time you Will get used to it though and it Will be easy and automatic. But that's not possible if your still identified with the ego. If your identified with ego it's better to find other methods.





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On 7/27/2017 at 1:20 PM, ajasatya said:

give up already. enlightenment is not for you. stop trying to define yourself. so much of you already.

if you want enlightenment, then erase your self-image. let go of this neediness.

i think you need a zen master who's able to hit you in the head.

You're right.  Great video on point.


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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What if you were always alone, and there was no other entity to say to you, "you know, you are _______"?

How would you ever know what you are?



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You are not nothing in the sense you think of nothing. It simply means that you are no thing. If you are not a thing you can not be communicated by any words and you have none of the qualities you mention, you can only have them according to the current nature of the present moment but they do not become you because you can not become anything you have always been everything but not a thing because a thing is very limited.

Edited by LaucherJunge

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