
Rosie's Past, Present And Future

35 posts in this topic

On 2/25/2016 at 4:02 PM, Rosie said:

I Feel as i am ready to extend my list but I am unsure on what should I include.  any ideas? This is not really satisfying anymore as it seems easy to achieve. I should raise my own bet.
I was thinking a lot about relationships... and Enlightenment and human connections in general. What is beauty? I'm looking for so many answers... so so so many answers.

Beauty is quite easy to figure out if you know how to look. Take 10 minutes a day to stop and just observe everything around you. Use all of your senses. Look at the lines and shapes. Feel the wind or pressures in your body. Smell something nice. Taste new things. Listen to the ambiant sounds.

Do it in your head as well. For example, think about a mountain, see the whole thing, from clouds to the dirt. Then, start climbing it. Notice the rocks, and maybe a little river. Hear the sounds of the wild life around you. Smell the fresh air and the stream near you. Taste the fresh water from the spring. Feel the cool air runing through your hair. 

Really beauty is something you have to figure out for yourself. My beauty may be different from yours, but figuring it out is an amazing experience. I do it all the time. It's a nice habit, an it's really relaxing. 

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y general goals: 
Let the past and the pain of the past go
Updating this journal on a daily basis, till I go back to the ship, then update it on weekly basis
Start to work out on daily basis
Enjoy my free time without computer, technic and TV series
Quit my porn addiction as it promotes creates an unhealthy picture of sex and makes real sex less enjoyable.
Start to visualise my future goals and create goals what I can achieve
Read more books on self-actualisation.

Daily Goals
Wake up at latest 10 am--> Done again.--> woke up at 8
Taking care of my body--> done
To read self-help books-->I'm interested in reading Matthew Hussey's book: Get the guy, I was watching leo's videos and looked for psychological books.
Socialise with people.-->i have 2 dates tomorrow:)
Eat healthy-->done
Vitamins--> done

Yesterday I did not have the chance to update my journal, because in the evening I had some issues with my laptop cable--> my two beautiful doggie took it as a special chew toy. I replaced it just now, so I am back to business.
It turns out that I am allergic to milk. 
I knew it before, but as I can become addicted to these, I decided that at least on my vacation, let me eat whatever I want.

NO I CAN NOT. I look from milk products like a 15 years old little teenager with my skin rash. Not sexy... Anyways. Now 3 days of cleansing will help with a lot of green tea and much much much more raw based veggies. I am also looking a good milk replacement cheeses.

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All my cores for the daycare done. Tomorrow I will raise my bet and remake my journal and goals.
Have an ice evening all:)

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So I've decided that instead on concentrating on all aspects of my life, I will concentrate on individuals one to achieve my happiness.

Aspect one:

Having my dream body

Why is this important?
Because I am unhappy about the fact that people at work make jokes about my big butt, because I used to be a professional athlete, and I let myself down by gaining weight and because If i can have my kick ass body then I will be healthier, i will be true to myself and I will be an example instead of a follower. I want to work with kids and I want to educate them on a fuller way. I want to teach them how to be healthy inside and out.

Also I want to be inspirational for all those woman out there who only have a couple extra pounds to loose but still it feels like hell and never happens till the day they have 30 pounds to loose or even more and they don't even dare to go the beach anymore.

Me finding my partner in life

Why is this important?

Not because I want to have a trophy husband, not to someone else cause my happiness, but very simply because I love to care about others. I picture myself having kids and family and I picture myself supporting them.

To achieve this, I will go to seminars, read books, learn about my feminism, cook, becoming an organised person and do everything in my power to be balanced and happy with myself before I get into any relationships. Im sure there is my lobster out there and I will find it in 2016.
Im sure there are people out there who will say I am desperate, who will say I do not need an another person, but That's might be you, not me.

So yeah I will find it, have it and master it.

Enjoying my life the fullest

Every single day I will do something to go out of my comfort zone, to do something I enjoy. Maybe it's a 5 minutes of dancing, a walk with my dogs or helping a random stranger, But I will bring some joy in this life.


I Will use this journal to document my process, mistakes and fails. I hope you will enjoy it.
Maybe my way is not the right way, but at least it's mine.


Edited by Rosie

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@Rosie Don't worry, your way is the only way, because it's your way! Heros don't follow, they go they own path! Also who cares what other people say? They are probably desperate, you are wise. Your approach is very good and your mission is worth pursuing! You are doing very good girl, I wish you all the best and all the success you deserve!

You are an inspiration to me. Go on!

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My dream body:

I made an appointment to a medical centre where they will have a full check out to ensure that my metabolism, blood everything else is all right and what kind of allergies I have exactly. Hopefully this will give me some ideas, what kind of diet I need, what vitamins am I missing.

I started to do the 30 day love handle challenge to get rid of that annoying lover back fat. I will try to find a good workout plan to ensure that I am working on that body, I work with sweat.

My meals for the day:

Water intake: 3l + 8dl in warm detox tea+ rice protein shake

Meals: 1slice of white toast and some vegetarian spread on it+ half tomato with salt.
             3 big teaspoon of cooked rice with green peas, mixed with a veggie stew, from broccoli and cauliflower, half plate of salad with iceberg lettuce, cabbage, tomato and cucumber and some peanuts and a spoon of mayo as dressing.

also made a mug cake from 2 tbs of flour 1 spoon of sugar, some baking powder, coconut milk, and a teaspoon of peanut butter. yeah yeah i know calories but still okay....

Finding my partner in life

to achieve this, I must love myself. So what I did today was to find thing what I love in my life, on my body. I watching videos on beauty and fitness theme and watched again Leo's videos in the theme.

I started to write a list on what I like and do not like, because I tend to change my taste according to my partner's taste when I am in a serious relationship. I want to be a happy individual who doesn't depend on others but chooses to be with someone.

Enjoy my life the fullest

I was helping out in a children's home where they accepted me as an alternative children therapist. Instead of general therapy I will try to listen to the kids, let them vent cry and try to examine if they feel to have any solution for their problems and if so, what that would be.

I have a room with full of toys and have the chance to talk to this kids one by one. They are very introverted because of their past, but as they enjoy playing if you do not pressure them they start to talk. It's amazing.

I hope I can help them some way.

Thats for me for today



Edited by Rosie

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My dream body

I was eating mainly healthy today, but more importantly I purchased a juicer today and like 15kg worth of veggies. From tomorrow I am on a 5 days juice cleanse to detox my body. Yes that's right.

Apart from that i had a pretty much introverted day. We had some drama at home and a close friend of mine passed away today at work. Life is so short and fragile... unbelievable..

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Hey lovely people, 

I AM FLYING OUT IN 6 DAYS TO SIDNEY, maybe even less as my company changed my contract. I need to join 3 days prior.

I started my juice fast. I did not eat anything solid, still after my news i had 2 glasses wine. Kick start to my juice fast. well, it's liquid.....

Anyways new journey, new beginnings and i will kick ass.

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I am listening to this song as it gives me so so so much inspiration

Somehow the video and the whole song gives me strength

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25 minutes ago, Rosie said:


I am listening to this song as it gives me so so so much inspiration

Somehow the video and the whole song gives me strength

So beautiful I am crying tears :P 

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7 minutes ago, Rosie said:

@The Son I read sarcasm

Then why do you give me a positive reputation for that post? :P  

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What part of Hungary are you from? My husband is originally from Szekesfehervar but moved to the states in the year 2000. Also, I went through and checked out a couple of your journals. I think it's really great that you're keeping them. I've been struggling with basic routines and things like that.

Yesterday, I was watching some videos about creating new habits, and it was suggested to start a "keystone habit" that creates a ripple effect through other areas of your life and helps create other healthy behaviors. They recommended focusing on the "physiological fundamentals": sleep, nutrition, exercise. So, I just started a commitment to wake up at 6 am every morning to wake up before my kids, keep a food journal, and exercise at least 15 minutes a day. So, if I get those things done, I win the day. ;) I'm making these a 100% commitment for the next 65 days.

I would normally try to implement an entirely new schedule but always ended up getting overwhelmed and depressed when I failed. I think this one will help me a lot in the long run. I'm going to post the videos that I was watching below.

Edited by Emerald Wilkins

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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There are a few more that I watched too. But I really liked the top one.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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