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Micro Dosing Lsd For Creativity

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Hey all, 

haven't posted in a very long time. Anyway, I've been pursuing entrepreneurship and I've came across this link about Silicon Valley College students taking LSD to enhance their work and creativity. 


This is is very interesting to me. I live in NY and I want to experience psychedelics myself. I just don't know where to start.


I hear that the 2 safest psychedelics are LSD and shrooms.

My goal is to take one of these open up my mind  and change my world. I know this sounds crazy I'm just interested tho because I truly believe this will help benefit my creativity and give me a boost in my entrepreneurship. 

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It is not crazy at all. Steve Jobs said lsd was one of his best experiences. If tou take into account the power of psychedelics and spirituality in general you can for sure out-inovate the average ceo. Even a 7 day retreat in the woods would work wonders for you. The tool sure works now you just need to experiment to find the best way.

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1 hour ago, Socrates said:

It is not crazy at all. Steve Jobs said lsd was one of his best experiences. If tou take into account the power of psychedelics and spirituality in general you can for sure out-inovate the average ceo. Even a 7 day retreat in the woods would work wonders for you. The tool sure works now you just need to experiment to find the best way.

Thanks. I'm just not sure where to find psychedelics since they're illegal. I'm gonna get a test kit for the future. I remember Leo had a video on the subject but forgot which one was it. 

I want to try LSD because I think it can expand my awareness. I'm curious about the boost I'd achieve from it. 

Did you try LSD before and was it a good experience? Can you say that it contributed to your overall better self? If that makes sense?  

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Oh it will definitely give you a different perspective of life and from that point (unless you've already had some natural awakenings), you will never see the world the same again always now having that experience when you seen the world through a different lens thus giving you a brother perspective and understandings of this or that ect.. always having an extra way to see things is always better.

You have the right to explore your own consciousness, just do it safely and respectfully and since you are passionate Im sure the educating-self part beforehand will be fun and flawless :)




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I personally find LSD micro-dosing too stimulating for doing work. Maybe brainstorming, but even that is iffy. It'll depend on your baseline level of awareness and whether you like working while buzzing.

Provigil works amazing for creativity. Although LSD is probably more healthy. I notice Provigil speeds up heart-rate, which isn't good in my book.

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LSD itself is not legal but there is a legal option u all can order in the normal web.


Look up 1P-LSD. It comes from the same chemical family as lsd. Its assumed to be a lsd prodrug, wich gets transformed to lsd in your body.

So  basically LSD is legal.

U can also try Al-Lad, Eth-lad and 1A-lsd.



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