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Can I Raise My Default Energy Level?

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From childhood I've always been a quiet boy, the opposite of an hyperactive. Unless i recieved an exciting new or surprise.

Nowadays I'm like the same. I push hard myself in groups of people but always end up being the watcher, listener, when I would like to be the leader, at least once.

But I feel my physical level of energy low, tired, and I cannot put myself loud and active psychologicaly when my body says no.

I only feel on fuyll potential and awake when I take some pre-workout drink, coffee or tea.

Anyone experienced the same low energy? Tips to overcome it? or I'm condemned to be the tired quiet guy.

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It's called being an Introvert. 

Introverts get their energy drained being around a lot of people. (More then 3). 


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Fruits and following your passion/joy will always keep your energy efficient. Matcha tea and other herbs can be helpful in more stressful or draining situations.

Besides fruit here are some other helpful things you can introduce one step at a time and see what works for you.

1.) Coconut oil (includes medium chain fatty acid)
2.) Chia Seeds (also known as warrior’s food)
3.) Green Leafy vegetables with Chlorophyll (packed with magnesium)
4.) Quality Supplements (Such as Greens Superfood, spirulina, wheat grass, adaptogenic herbs)

Drink more spring water and get sunlight daily as well


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The problem with most pre-workouts is that the combination of beta-alanine, caffeine, arginine and other components completely burns out your adrenals. Even a proper diet rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants cannot cover the damaging effect. The "kick" you feel is your body going into Fight or Flight response, making you more vigilant and resistant but for a big price in the long term. I used to be very deep in that, couldn't even lift my ass of the couch without a double dose of No-Explode !! ....Throw that stuff down the toilet. 

Definitely look into your nutrition and add a regular exercise routine. @Outer made a great summary. Also agree with @pluto when you are completely out of touch with what you love, it drains you on the inside. 

One final thing,.. you may be low on calories which could also be causing you the lack of energy. Maybe you have a good nutrition but lacking calories will make you a walking zombie throughout the day.  

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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Try to do 1 or 3 days fast and check if you have more energy that way. If you do then try some of the low carb diet, and check if intermittent fasting is good for you.

Make sure you have good electrolytes intake specialy sodium (aka salt with chloride that also is very impotent to stomach acid etc.) 4 normal coffee is draining 1 tbsp of salt (not sodium per se) from your body. 1h of moderate exercise is 0,5 tbsp of salt drain form body. So take that into account, also if you have money check blood levels of all vitamins and minerals. If you dont have good amount of potassium, magnesium and sodium (also calcium) in you blood it can make huge problems for energy levels. 

To notice a difference form good electrolytes intake it takes minimum of 3 days or 2 weeks if you are overweight. (or more)

Also you cant really overdose salt (tho try to get good like sea salt) and you will not cause any problems for yourself iven if you take stupid amount like 10-20 g of salt a day. No, there is no correlation between salt and hearth/blood problems its a myth and high salt intake is like 1mmHg systolic  more if you have stupidly high intake, and not enough salt is really bad for you and can cause iven more problems. And no, you are not damaging kidnes, they can easily take care of 87g of salt a day. (unless you have some damage)

Best thing to do is to take half a spoon of salt before exercise and 1/4 tbls of salt for coffee tea.

Make sure you get vitamins, and others stuff like that. Omega 3, witamin D are really good for mood and they regulate serotonin levels and do much more stuff.

There is a lot more stuff to say about energy so if you have some specific question fell free to ask me, i just dont want to waste time if somone dont care about the stuff i type here ;)

And like @Outer pointed out the best thing you can do for the brain and the energy levels, higher funtions etc is to have the most REM cycle in sleep you can, thus having good sleep is essential to health, also notice that REM  faze is a must to detoxify brain, and if you not having good REM-included sleep you essentially storing damage in brain cells and you body is getting problems with clearing,fixing damage, and you are having constant inflammation, that drain energy  for fixing stuff. And on the top of that if you have gut issue, and thats pretty common you might as well have inflammation there, not only that would decrees your energy but it would make huge problems to absorb food properly not to talk about microbs and stuff..


Edited by Gmork

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10 hours ago, Outer said:

First you need high quality sleep, after that you need to take care of your diet/nutrition, then exercise. Right off the bat, are you eating enough salt?

To improve your sleep quality, mostly you need to know if your body is sleeping properly, can it breath through the nose throughout the night? What 'you' can do is have a consistent schedule every day, in the morning have bright lights and at night keep away from screens or use blue-light blocking glasses which simulate complete darkness. There's also applications for phones and computers like Twilight for android and f.lux for windows, redshift for linux.

To improve your nutrition, eat more fiber and thus probiotics, and more fermented food like Sauerkraut. Where you get fiber from is whole-foods like 100% whole grain, vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes like beans which have a lot of fiber.

Exercise will increase your energy levels, anecdotally it does it for me afterwards, but of course it's hard to start exercising. If you can make a habit to exercise 4-5 a week for a month you're on a good path. I'm gonna do it myself.

Simply do anything that is moderate intensity, for 30-40 minutes, whether it be running or whatever you'd like. The heartrate should be elevated by quite a bit during the 30-40 minutes but not at max. For 4-5 times a week.

After you've taken care of your sleep, diet, exercise, you've done everything you can. It includes making doctor visits if you have to investigate in detail of your sleep for example. Then you can start thinking about different supplements or drugs and stimulants like caffeine.

Of course, if you take caffeine all the time, you'll be addicted and thus be tired whenever you don't have caffeine. Coffee however has been shown to be beneficial, might be because it's roasted beans squished up, thus like any plant food.

I forgot to say that all my life I've been going to sleep very late almost at 4. Some people say that sleeping out of the circadian rythms is bad, that is not as healing, but sleep is sleep. Would this be the cause why I feel tired?

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Its not good but, If you have good quality sleep  and its consistent every day (and its 6,7+h) its not that bad, your body can adapt to it, if it is consistent.

Problem would be if you have inconsistent eating habits like eating before sleep, eating in window longer that 10h (max 12h) because of enzyme, and how they also regulate sleep, so if you eat after 11-12h you will tell your body that its not time to sleep and you have a problem, and really bad quality sleep. On top of that if you eat high sugar (like processed food, sugar reach products or bad stuff like pasta or bread) diet you will have iven more problems with hormons. (your stomach enzymes have ~12h life time)

If you cant change sleeping habits you should make sure you dont see to much "blue" light that regulate circadian rythms. Ether from sun in the morning or from computer so use flux.

You should make sure you sleep in dark room (the darker the better) with no wi-fi and stuff like that if possible, and with slightly lower temperature if possibile.

You can also help yourself with melatonin supplement and take it before sleep, it will tell your body that it is time to sleep and it is responsible for activating REM-cycle so it is really good thing, and its natural.

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