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Joseph Maynor

Would You Say That The Self Both Exists And Doesn't Exist, Exists, Or Doesn't Exist, Or None Of These?

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I'm talking about the true Self, not the egoic self.  The egoic self is an illusion.  The True self . . . . (what?)  See?

Please explain your insights.

Now, if you say something, give your reason for your conclusion.  Your reason for your conclusion is 99.9% more insightful than the conclusion you reach.  

Then we have something to look into.  Some new fodder to root around in and look for something good.  Like a new pan-full of dirt for the crazed, hopeful gold-miner.

Paraphrases from Leo's first video on Absolute Infinity:  

Reality is just a collection of distinctions.  A perspective is only made out of distinctions.  All contrasts between things are distinctions.  Existence versus non-existence is a distinction.  We think of ourselves as existing and are opposed to non-existence.  But this is our Human perspective, and this is a relative perspective.  From God’s perspective, the most objective perspective possible, there is no distinction in reality between existence and non-existence.  Boundaries and distinctions are not objective things.  All of these boundaries, distinctions are relative.


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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I'd say it's all a matter of definition, context, interpretation - and speculating about it is just yet another thing that gets in the way of real discovery. Whatever's true is whatever's true, inquire into it openly.

Edited by Markus

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I do believe they are both real. I think of it as ying and yang - the image really connects with me. I might think of it differently than it's meant to be interpreted. But when one is aware the other is there (somewhat asleep when you are 'Aware'). They should work together. One is better at different things than the other.

Edited by Dogsbestfriend

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 How can you deny the existence of the true self? It is the very basis of your existence.. No one can say ' I don't exist'.. But I know that the word 'self' is usually connected to the egoic self, so can be misleading.

The word 'Self' is actually a translation of the word 'Atman' which literally means 'essence' or 'breath'.


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My self inquiry tells me that the egoic self should not exist. And the true self exist but remains buried inside layers of onion that need to be peeled off to get to that self. 

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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