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Direct Experience Vs Imagination Vs Reality Vs Illusion

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If our minds can't tell the difference between a vividly imagined experience vs actual experience, how is imagination different from the illusion we are all experiencing right now? Can we call it direct experience vs indirect experience of illusion? Also, should the term 'reality' only apply to absolute truth? Wouldn't it be more useful to call this illusion we're living in 'reality' because that's how most people see it? Though at the same time understanding it's not reality....

Journal of Jesus Christ -


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I think this should be in meditation,consciousness etc

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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14 hours ago, Vladimir said:

If our minds can't tell the difference between a vividly imagined experience vs actual experience, how is imagination different from the illusion we are all experiencing right now? Can we call it direct experience vs indirect experience of illusion? Also, should the term 'reality' only apply to absolute truth? Wouldn't it be more useful to call this illusion we're living in 'reality' because that's how most people see it? Though at the same time understanding it's not reality....

There is no diffrence between your imagination and actual experience. Everything experienced is your direct experience. When referring to indirect experience, it's just the language used to describe an individual who hasn't yet realized the groundlessnes of the illusion.

Absolute is just the word that we use to describe the indescribable. Realtive reality, or realtive existence, is what I would call the illusion.

These are very good questions. 

Edited by Sean Johnson

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